chapter one

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A/N; if you could imagine that everyone involved in the story is of the same age that would be great! I understand there's 00 liners, a 95, a 96 liner and a 99 liner

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A/N; if you could imagine that everyone involved in the story is of the same age that would be great! I understand there's 00 liners, a 95, a 96 liner and a 99 liner. I'd like to think of them all being around 19/20.

Heiji POV

"Thank you so much," I smiled at the cheerful face standing before me. "You didn't have to do this."

"But I wanted to, it's really no problem," He returned the smile, as I fidgeted with my free hand unoccupied by the bouquet of daisies Seoho had just handed me. Cliché, I thought, but I would  keep those words in my mind to spare hurting his feelings, because I actually care about them. "Is anyone home?"

He takes a peak at the living room over my shoulder, and I open the door further. "You can come in, my mother is working today." 

"On your birthday?" He asks with wide eyes and I nod, it seems like a bigger deal to everyone else apart from me. "I just don't want you to be alone today, Deiji."

(Deiji ↠ 'daisy', cliché).

My mother typically wouldn't mind the presence of Seoho in the house, he's been my friend long enough and she can trust us together. Although her even reminding me that she trusts us to 'get up to no funny business' whilst she's away turns my stomach even more now than it ever did. The more time I spent with Seoho over the past two years, I found myself noticing strange little habits he has whenever he is around me, which has led me to believe that he sees me as more than a friend. However, I could just be being overly narcissistic, enough to ever believe a guy as pretty as him and as lovely as him could ever like me.

 "Do you want to get dinner? Maybe we could order something," I suggest. "And watch a movie?" He smiles and nods in return, and I know exactly what to order for him already. Not that he doesn't have a choice...  but it is my birthday. 

Once the food is ordered, I plop myself on the couch beside him, pushing out the recliner and reaching for the remote. He doesn't question the food that I ordered for us, nor the movie I chose. The dream man. 

"Should we invite the others over later?" He suddenly pipes up.

On the one hand it was a lovely suggestion, having all my friends in the one place to celebrate my birthday and have a great time. On the other hand, however, a part of me felt reluctant. It's not that I don't want to see my best friends, but I don't like the idea of having a fuss made of me on my birthday, their posts on Instagram were enough to make me feel somewhat overwhelmed. Another part of me felt a bit let down that Seoho didn't want to spend this time with me himself, I then began to question if I was deluded for thinking he ever liked me. 

"Hello? Earth to Heiji?" He yanks the blanket sitting on my laptop. I put on a smile, a half hearted one. 

"Sure, probably better they come after the food arrives? I don't want to make them jealous or feel left out, either or is horrible," He nodded, taking out his phone to assumedly text them. 

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