chapter fifty one

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Third Person POV

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Third Person POV

"Thank you for the photos, Mr Kim," Heiji smiles at Sunwoo's father as she helps him clean the kitchen. "It was fun to look through them."

"I'm glad," the man smiles warmly. "Sunwoo was a cute child. I wonder where it all went wrong."

"Me too," the girl jokes, walking over to beside him as she put the dishes in the sink. "May I ask you something?"

The man looks down at her, cleaning the plates in the process. "You sure can."

"I think you included the wrong album," the girl laughs awkwardly, fetching the small envelope from her bag. "Here it is."

"Oh," the man dries his hands, looking at the envelope. "What's inside this one?"

"Just some pictures," Heiji trails off. "Of your younger days, I guess."

The man sighs, looking at the girl with shameful eyes. "I guess you seen some of the photos?"

"We didn't mean to," Heiji blurts in an attempt to make the man feel better, however - he simply laughed and sat down, motioning for her to sit down across from him.

"The best years of my life," he reminisces. "Me and your mother were great friends."

"I can see that," Heiji jokes under her breath as the man laughed. "I'm sorry, sir, I don't mean to make you feel uncomfortable, you don't need to tell me anything."

"Everything alright in here?" Sunwoo asks from the door frame, his dad motioning for him to sit down too.

Sunwoo saw the envelope in his hand, and was glad his mother wasn't home so she wouldn't have to hear whatever he had to say for himself.

"I dated your mother in high school," the man says slowly. "It was nothing serious at most, we were friends for a long time and it was just something that happened.

"We had a great time, she was my best friend above everything else. The respect I had for her never disappeared even after we split up, we remained close, but we drifted after she started dating someone new."

"Expected," Sunwoo nods as Heiji agrees.

"That someone was your father," the man adds as Heiji nods again. "Your father who I happened to work with at the time in the clothes store."

"My father had no eye for clothes or fashion," Heiji says shocked, earning a laugh from the man.

"He didn't, but he was a people person so he was great at his job," he smiles. "He asked me to come on a double date with the two of them, he was scared things would be too awkward if they didn't have other company.

"When I got there, your mother was there wearing her best clothes, she looked as beautiful as ever. She showed up the random girl I decided to take with me that night," the man chuckles.

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