13 || It Wasn't a Dream?

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Saying I had the weirdest dreams last night was an understatement. First, I dreamed that I was soulmates with Kim Namjoon, went to jail, and then went to the hospital. It also morphed into a dream where I could read minds and lift objects with my own mind. Apart from the fact that I went to jail and maybe got tasered - I don't really know if I really did, it was a blur - but it was the best dream ever.

I woke up, letting my eyes adjust to the early morning sun as I blinked to the sight of my hotel room. The bed felt impossibly soft as I listened to the quiet bustle of the morning streets of Korea. A couple down in the street thought of what they had for breakfast, the taste of sweet bell peppers in a warm omelette and the soft texture of rice with black beans filling my mouth just at their thoughts.


I snapped right up in the bed, realization flooding me as the thoughts of hundreds of thousands people bombarded me all at the same time. I winced a little at the oncoming of the start of a major headache, gripping my temples.

It wasn't a dream. Not in the slightest. I really had bonded with one of the biggest idols in all of Korea. My heart raced a little just at the thought of holding his hands, feeling the soft brush of his warm lips on mine-

My mom stepped out of the bathroom, a brush in her hand as she brushed out her hair. Her soft green eyes settled on mine in surprise as all of her thoughts hit me at once. Last night's events replayed in her head, echoing into mine. Thoughts about the day and her plans, her worries about me and my siblings, and the feel of her hair on her fingertips. It was all to overwhelming, and I gripped onto the blankets around me, backing further into the wall to try and escape.

Small objects started to levitate the room at my distress, and I think it just did more to alleviate my panic. Regardless, those who were not awake yet certainly were now. I could feel their eyes on me, their worry. It made me sick to think I was getting their pity, embarrassment making my heart jump in my chest.

"Woah, woah," my mother said, reaching for me with her soft hands, a gentle smile on her face. I could tell she was trying to calm her own thoughts when the gentle tune of a melody started playing on repeat theough her thoughts. "Just calm your mind. It will be easier."

Calm my mind... I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, trying to relax. I let my muscles fall around me, focusing on the feel of the blankets. The voices and thoughts of the city drew to a quiet mumble as I opened my eyes again. Still, that lingering pressure at the base of my skull stayed, threatening to boil over in a headache.

I focused on the deep breath rising from my chest, the air a soft hum in the air as I let myself relax. The more I did, the quieter the voices became until it sounded like white noise in the background. The echoing sound of objects dropping to the floor reached my ears as I opened my eyes again.

"Better?" My mom asked. I could sense my sister on the other side of the room, but I decided not to focus on her thoughts. I wasn't sure if I really wanted to know what was in every person's mind, which made me feel so much worse as the reality of the situation settled on me like a heavy blanket.

My eyes watered on their own before I could feel the taste of salt on my tongue. How much more embarrassing could this get other than the fact I was letting out silent tears. Now I could really feel the pity coming from my family members.

"It's really not a dream?"

My mom smiled sweetly. "I can't tell if you're happy or upset, but it's all real."

I let out a shaky breath, wiping the tears from my face. The cool airconditioning made my cheeks feel cool as they dried. While I was overly ecstatic at the fact that I found my soulmate, I couldn't help but feel guilty at the kind of pressure I was putting on one of my biggest idols.

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