5 || Is This Fate?

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*spoken Korean is italicized (only if the POV can understand korean. If they can't understand korean, I will have romanized korean.)*


Something felt different about this week. Namjoon didn't know if it was just the nerves after DNA got so much popularity finally hitting him, or even pre tour jitters. It was odd.

First, him and Jungkook went out for dinner in Gangnam district to relax. It was nice getting some down time with one of my best friends, even though he wished it could have been with the rest of Bangtan. A part of him really wished that they could all have a break, and he could also tell that it was very much needed.

Still, he wasn't expecting to practically bull doze over some innocent tourist girl. He recognized her speaking english as soon as she fell over. Yet, her attempt to say sorry in korean was almost cute. It was more embarrassing that she didn't accept my hand when he held it out. Was he that isolated from normal life that he didn't even know how to act around people anymore.

The weirder thing was, he bumped into the same girl today when he went on a walk to clear his head. With all that had been going on back at big hit, Namjoon just needed to get out for a bit. A bit risky perhaps, but he went to one of the lesser populated parks.

He should have seen it coming, really he should have with his luck and all. The air blew lightly on his cheeks as he ran back through the park, keeping his head down to avoid any more attention. Big hit didn't even know he was here in the first place. The only person he told was Jin, and if he knew how heavily he had screwed up...

Namjoon let a sigh, his breath coming out stiffly. Even though his mind was telling him that that girl would probably just sell the receipt he signed, another part just wanted to turn back. It was strangely terrifying, yet exhilarating all at the same time.

Namjoon looked at the text on his phone one more time. It was from Jin.

Jin: hey, you should probably get back soon. Manager has been wondering where you've been.

Namjoon: Yeah, headed back right now. I got a little side tracked.

He hit send before slipping my phone back into my pocket. It was still playing some of the tracks he created for a mixtape he was working on. Still, side tracked was a bit of an understatement.

A small ding surfaced from his pocket and he slipped his phone out again.

Jin: ok. Sounds good. I'll keep manager distracted till you get back.

Even though he tried not to, his mind kept wandering back to that girl in the park. Her eyes were a pretty blue and she had this golden hair that seemed to shimmer in the sun. When he bumped into her, he was half expecting it to be a local with the traditional hanbok she was wearing. Namjoon certainly wasn't expecting a foreigner, and the last person he expected it to be was the same girl he bumped into yesterday. He didn't even know her name.

The sun glinted off of the black car he parked on a side street just over half an hour ago. The front windows were tinted slightly to help prevent random fans and sasaengs from spotting idols like him. Namjoon slipped into the leather seat of the driver side.

The steering wheel felt cool against his fingers as he revved the engine and pulled out of the small village. He was fully expecting to feel refreshed after a walk, but if anything, he just felt more tired.

There was another small ding from my phone, and he managed to peek a look while at a red light.

Jin: sorry. I think manager is going to try calling you. I tried to delay him, but you better get back here fast.

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