1 || I'm Taking A Plane to Korea?

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A tough body slammed into me from behind and I let out a small oof.

"Aaah," came a squeal from behind me. "I can't believe you didn't tell me you were leaving!"

I turned around, a smug grin on my face. "I didn't know either. My mom just called me telling me she got me a plane ride home and it leaves at 5. Apparently we are going on some mystery family trip." I looked at my best friend Katie as she pouted at me.

"Take me with you," she demanded with a pout.

I smiled before shaking my head and giving a little laugh. "I'm not so sure you'll be able to fit in my suitcase."

We both looked back behind me to my dorm bed. Currently, most of my clothes seemed to be scattered across the small mattress, most of it piled ontop of the small suitcase I had started packing. Let's just say it would be a while before I was finally ready to get going.

I slipped my phone out of my back pocket, checking the time.

11:59 AM

"Ugh," Katie let out a groan and fell into my arms. I stumbled a little before we both fell onto the bed. "Maybe a little warning next time? Me and Liam were going to the movies tomorrow and I wanted you to come."

I shook my head just thinking about it. Liam was Katie's boyfriend, and on top of that, he was her soulmate. I remember when the two of them first met. Me and Katie when back to Edmonton to have Christmas with my family. When we went out for hot chocolate at Tim Hortons one evening, Katie touched hands with this boy who was just leaving the store. When they touched hands, flowers appeared in a crown around their heads. It was actually quite beautiful. Their bond was a presence bond, where flowers appeared everytime they touched.

Ofcourse, the shock if it was all new to me. The two of them kind of looked at each other in shock before they both smiled at eachother. It was a smile between two people who had known eachother for years even though they had both just met. Let's just say that all of Tim Horton's just burst into cheers. It wasn't every day that you witnessed someone meet their soulmate.

I practically third wheeled them for the rest of Christmas break, and it broke their hearts to have to leave eachother one winter semester started up again. Katie was still studying with me at the University of Toronto while Liam was studying electrical engineering at the University of Alberta. But Liam was planning in transfering to the University of Toronto next semester to be closer to Katie. Other than that, the two of them have been meeting every week under the Soulmate Bond Withdrawl Act (SSWA) where they are given free plane tickets while accommodations are made to put people together and combat soul withdrawal symptoms.

"I'd just be third wheeling you the whole time. You two are just infatuated with eachother."

"But I haven't seen him since December! I'm nervous." She whined.

I grinned. "You facetime eachother everyday."

Katie sighed, ever so dramatic. "You wouldn't understand. Just wait till you meet your soulmate."

I rolled my eyes. "You say that as if I'm going to meet him."

Katie gasped before hitting my arm. "Don't even say that."

I smirked, clearly joking. I wasn't too worried on when I would meet my soulmate. If soulmate bonds really were fate, then it would happen.

"If you're going to be here distracting me, you might as well help me pack." I picked up one of the tshirts strewn in the bed before neatly folding it and placing it in my suitcase.

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