2 || More Surprises

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I breathed in fresh air the moment I stepped off the plane. I don't know if was the fact that I was just on a plane for something like 24 hours, but the air tastesd sweet. I think I was slowly becoming addicted to it.

I wasn't sure what I was expecting from Korea considering the furthest I had ever traveled before this was to Paris, but it was gorgeous. The airport was lit up in the early morning light, the sun just starting to rise over the buildings. I guess it would take time for me to get used to the time difference here.

I think the most major difference would be the humidity. Back in Canada, everything was always so dry, not to mention cold. It could get fairly nice in the summer, but winters were just brutle. I would always get jealous at everyone who got snow days. But even if there were 3 ft of snow, schools apparently still expected people to trudge through the cold just to learn. Then there were other places where all it would take would be frost covering the ground and school would be cancelled.

Still, it was odd stepping into the humidity. One moment I was comfortable, and the next I was just feeling, well, damp.

My sister headed into the airport ahead of me, her mouth hanging open in awe. "Isn't this just the most amazing thing ever?"

I smiled. "It's just the airport."

Alara snapped back around, my younger sister looking at me with something like mock amusement. I smirked and shook my head at her, but it felt nice to finally be around family again since christmas break.

It only took two seconds before Mom was at my side, wrapping me in a tight hug. "It still feels weird not having you in the house anymore."

I squirmed out of her arms. "Mom, how many hugs do you have to give me before you feel satisfied?"

I had already been bombarded by hugs after landing in Edmonton from Toronto. Since it took so long getting through customs, I only really had 20 minutes to get to the terminal going to Korea. Still, my mom demanded to sit right in between me and My older sister Anna. Beside Anna sat her soulmate, Sam.

Since the two of them were married and lived off on their own, mom really only saw them once a month. To be honest, half of us are expecting them to start a family very shortly. It will be a little different having young ones running around.

I looked over at my older sister who was already walking with her soulmate husband. She looked super confident with her loose blonde waves down her back. Out of all of us, she was the fashionable one. And me...

I looked down at my own clothes. Well, I didn't particularly care what I wore. Today it was a white tank top and some jean shorts, which wasn't necessarily un fashionable, but I would for sure look like a tourist for miles to come.

"Just be glad that your dad is fluent in speaking Korean. He can be our translator this trip," my mom said as she released me from another suffocating hug.

"Thanks mom," I grumbled out. My younger brother laughed at my discomfort, but I only glared at him.

Matthew was the youngest of our family. He was only a seventeen year old who just finished grade 11. This year, he finished all of his classes and was able to take exams a month early. Generally high school semesters went till July. That lucky kid.

We all happened to navigate our way out of the terminal. Thank goodness they had English on some if the signs to accommodate for international travelers. I had a feeling that wouldn't last for long. If anything, at least I had my google translate, however accurate that was.

My dad fumbled with his phone, searching up directions. At least on this trip he had upgraded from a paper map. I don't even know how people navigate those things.

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