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"there was always tomorrow"

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"there was always tomorrow"

Everyone looked at me in terror, at their broken nation. Like Eret had said.

Treason runs in the family.

"Sage, what have you done?" Phil said in horror. He was standing in the doorway of the room, only seconds too late.

"What Wilbur never could." I said.

I walked out of the tunnel, expecting to be attacked. But I wasn't. They all just gathered around and stared at me. I saw George, wearing my brothers crown and realized what Dream had done. I took my crown off my head, feeling it's weight all of a sudden. I tossed it to the ground and tried to walk away, but someone caught my wrist.

"What, Dream?" I asked.

"You don't have to do this." He said.

"I want to do this. You're not a part of L'Manberg either, why would you care?"

"Because I care about you, Sage! And I'll never stop caring!"

For once I was able to see the hurt in his eyes. (or eye)

"I was never found, Dream." I said. "I was confused."

Dream dropped my hand and looked down at his feet as I turned around and left L'Manberg. For good.

I ran. Past Pogtopia. past my castle which was no longer safe. I ran so far that it was sunrise by the time I stopped. I was alone once and for all.


I glanced over at the door as I heard a knock, assuming it was Techno.

"Come in!" I said, not looking away from the potion I was making. The door creaked open.

"I hear there's some kind of meeting going on in L'Manberg... wanna go?" Techno asked. I turned to look at him.

"Techno, you know I don't go there anymore." I said.

"Yeah I know, but don't you wanna at least see what's going on? You haven't left the house since you built it, you have to go out at some point." He said. Seriously? Coming from Techno? He would without a doubt spend a month without going outside.

"Fine." I groaned. "I'll go.

So that's how I found my self rowing across the ocean with Techno. I looked at the familiar land as it started to appear. It looked extremely different, they had made houses covering the explosions and the camar van was repaired. They also had... Obsidian walls? I thought they were supposed to get rid of the walls?

Me and Techno hopped out of the boat and made our way behind a hill where we could see what was happening. Tommy and Dream were talking, with Tubbo, Ranboo, Fundy and Quackity surrounding them. I shrunk back as Tubbo looked directly at me. I held a finger up to my lips, signaling for him to stay quiet. He nodded.

"Tommy listen." Dream said. "You fucked up this time."

Tommy backed up a bit.

"I don't give a fuck about Spirit, okay, Spirit was my horse who died... ages ago. I don't give a fuck about spirit I don't care about anything! What I care about Tommy, are your discs." He snapped. Tommy looked taken aback.

"You don't care about anything else?" Tommy said.

"Nothing. Nobody. I care about your fucking discs... screw that, MY discs."

Tommy looked as if a light bulb went off in his mind.

"What about Sage?"

Dream paused. Everyone did, looking at Tommy with a look that said, You did not just go there.

After the war everyone pried Dream on why he cared about me so much, according to Techno. Still nobody knew why. I didn't even know why.

"No. Not even Sage." He said before turning away and building on the walls. "You have three days."

"Tommy..." Tubbo said quietly.

"What?" Tommy responded, angry at Dreams response. Tubbo nodded over to where I was now standing up, not caring if they saw me. Techno had gone off to who knows where.

"You fucked up, Dream." Tommy yelled at him.

"How so?" He replied smugly from the top of the wall. Tommy pointed at me as I walked away. I didn't see Dreams reaction, and I don't think I wanted to. I walked to the nether portal and and took a look at L'Manberg before it got lost in the purple swirls and turned into the hot, red biome.


"Sage!" Wilbur called after me. I turned around.

"Yes?" I asked as he ran back up to me.

"I think this is yours."

He handed me something I thought I'd never see again. I felt a pang in my heart as I traced my thumb over the words engraved on the back of it.


"Thank you, Wilbur." I said quietly.

"Anytime!" He smiled happily before running off.

I shoved the compass in pocket. It wasn't my biggest worry right now.

The purple particles swirled around me, making me slightly dizzy as I stepped out of the portal. I glanced across the path, seeing it empty. I walked about halfway down it in no rush, watching the strider happily bounce across the lava. I had always hated the nether, but now things seemed as beautiful as ever. In fact, everything did.

I stopped at the edge and stared down into the bubbling liquid, my hand on the compass in my pocket.

This was the fifth time I've been here this week. But this time I was actually doing it. I'm not sure why I waited in the first place.

My thoughts were interrupted by a whoosh sound. My face fell to see Dream, Sapnap, Ghostbur and Tommy pop out of the portal. They didn't seem to notice me through the thick red haze until they got closer.

"Hey, Sage." Sapnap said. He looked down, noticing how close I was to the edge, my toes practically dangling over the bridge. He nudged Dream who glanced over at me.

"Sage, what are you doing?" Dream asked, taking a step closer to me.

"What I should've done a while ago." I said. My face hardened as I turned back to the lava. I let the compass slip out of my pocket and it clattered to the ground. Before Dream could react I stepped off, waiting to plunge into the deathly liquid below me. Instead I got the impact of the ground. I opened my eyes to see me laying on the bridge still, Dream having a firm grip around my waist. He had pulled me back.

"Why would you do that?" He said breathlessly, pulling me up and into a hug. I didn't hug back.

"Because there's no reason not to." I said emotionlessly.

"Of course there is, Sage! There are so many people that care about you!" He argued. I pried my way out of the hug and looked him in the eye.

"I used to. Now my only friends hate me for what I did and the other one is too caught up in some stupid music discs to even be there for them."

Dreams face fell as he looked at his feet. I pulled my had away from his grip and walked back into the nether portal. There was always tomorrow.

a/n - i rewrote this like 16 times rip

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