[ e i g h t e e n ]

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"He couldn't have gone far. I have a feeling I know where he is." Dream said as we walked through the forest hand in hand.

"Who couldn't have gone far?" I asked.

"Tommy." He replied.

"Dream... Tommy's-"

"Alive." He finished my sentence. I looked at him with wide eyes.

"But... how? I saw the pillar, I saw what happened to Logstedshire, how can he be alive?"

"He must've put the pillar up to confuse us. He ran away from exile." He said simply.

"Then where is he now?" I asked.

"Technos house."

"Why would he be at Technos? That's like, his least favorite person." I said with a quiet laugh.

"I guess not anymore." Dream shrugged as we crossed from the green forest into the cold snow. I shivered as the snowflakes fell on my hair.

It wasn't long before we reached Technos house. I could've sworn I saw a flash of blonde hair as we got closer, but Dream didn't seem to notice.

"Hello Ghostbur, is Techno here?" Dream asked as Ghostbur got closer to us.

"Oh, yeah!" Ghostbur said cheerily. "He's right inside!"

I looked through the window of Technos house to see him face palm. It was obvious that Techno was hiding something, and if Dream was telling the truth, and Tommy was alive, then it could be him.

We started walking towards the house as Techno shrunk behind the window. We knocked on his door and Techno opened at it, staring completely dumbfounded at me and Dreams locked hands. After a few seconds he snapped out of his trance.

"Uhh, can I help you?" He asked cautiously.

"Yes." Dream said. "We're looking for Tommy. He ran away from exile."

"Well, he's not here. I'm probably the last person he wants to ally with." He shrugged.

"Fair enough. Mind if we look around?" Dream asked. Techno nodded and opened the door wider allowing us to walk in. I scanned the room.

"Sage, check up here. I'll check downstairs." Dream said. I nodded and gave Techno an apologetic look as they both climbed down the ladder. I looked around, not actually looking because if Tommy was really here, it's not like I would rat him out.

I opened a cabinet the was near the drawer and was met by a pair of big blue eyes, filled with worry. He panicked slightly.

"Why are you with Dream?!" He whisper-yelled.

"I'll explain later. Don't make a sound." I said, closing the box back just in time for Dream and Techno to climb back up the ladder.

"Find anything?" Dream asked. I shook my head.

"Nothing." I lied.

"Alright, we can check upstairs and then we'll head out." He said. We all climbed up the ladder and looked around. Nothing.

"Thanks Techno. If you see him, you know who to call." Dream nodded at Techno as we walked out. The door closed behind us with a click.

"You wouldn't lie to me, would you Sage?" Dream asked.

"Of course not, why would I?" I said. Was he getting suspicious of me already? Was I that bad of a spy?

"I dunno, just seems weird that you switched sides so fast." He shrugged. "I'm just making sure."

I stopped walking and turned to him looking him in the eyes.

"Dream, I would never betray you." I said. "I love you." The words felt sickening coming out of my mouth. Every time I said it to him, it just broke my heart even more. Because no one can find out that I actually love him.

"I love you too." He smiled, leaning in to kiss me. I kissed him back, feeling empty on the inside. "I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Of course." I smiled.

We both went our separate ways to our homes where a letter was waiting for me from Tubbo. Since it was now nearly impossible to talk to him in person, we spoke through coded messages that only we could read in case they were intercepted.

I finished up the letter and signed it with my code name, sending it by an underground railway I had built. Not even the other members of L'Manberg knew it existed.

I hated lying to him. I hated having to tell everyone that I wasn't in love with him when I knew I did. And I hated that he loved me back.

a/n - sorry for short chapter just wanted to get something out to stay active lolz it's rly hard to write stuff rn while i'm still waiting for the plot line in the smp


almost 6k in like less then a week? this is fucking insane! ily all so so much <3

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