[ t w e n t y ]

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"Sage, I need to give you something important." Dream said as he stopped walking. We were nearing L'Manburg for the festival.

"Yeah?" I said. My eyes widened as he pulled the disc from his inventory.

"In case anything happens. Please don't fuck up and lose it." He said, handing it to me. I stared at the black disc.

"Thank you, Dream. I'm glad you trust me." I said. He nodded and continued walking, staying quiet until we reached L'Manburg.

To my surprise he grabbed obsidian and started making walls around L'Manburg.

"Dream, what are you-"

"Tommy fucked up." Dream muttered as he continued building the walls. I see my partner did what they were told.

"Again? What did he do?" I asked as the rest of the cabinet members walked to us.

"Dream, what the hell are you doing?" Quackity asked, staring at the walls in terror.

"Tommy fucked up. Again." He grumbled.

"What? What did he do?" Tubbo asked, his eyes darting between me and Dream. I shrugged, giving him an I'm just as confused as you are look.

"I'll show you. I'll show you what he did." Dream said. He stopped building and started walking down the path. We all followed him as he went on a short rant about Tommy and how pissed he was.

As we approached the community house everyones mouth dropped open in shock. All of it was blown up except for the very center, and the water from the fish tank flowed over the sides. It was destroyed.

"Tommy did this?" Fundy asked in shock Dream nodded, you could practically see his angered expression through his smiley face mask. More and more people followed behind us, staring up at the community house in shock and despair. This was the oldest building here, and now it was gone. And endless amount of memories had been made here for everyone.

"But if Tommy did this, why are you putting the walls around L'Manburg? Tommys exiled, we aren't responsible for him anymore. In fact, you're supposed to be in charge of Tommy, Dream." Tubbo protested. Almost everyone nodded in agreement.

"He has a point." I whispered to Dream. He scoffed and ignored me as I almost laughed despite the horrible situation.

"Listen, Tubbo. We were so close to peace! So close! But Tommy has to pay for this." Dream said angrily. Dream started going on a rant, his temper taking over.

"Listen, Tommy has to pay for this." Dream said. "I need the disc. "How can I enforce his exile if I don't have the disc?" All of a sudden I heard a familiar voice. An invisible person jumped into the small platform of what was left of the community house.

"No." Tommy said, putting on his armor. He was invisible, but with the armor on it wasn't hard to see. Everyone went into confusion.

"What?" Dream scoffed.

"What?" Tubbo said, a flicker of hope in his voice. Then Techno showed up, starting to back up Tommy.

"I didn't do this." Tommy said gravely.

"He's not lying." Techno added.

"How do we know? He lied about George's house, he could easily be lying about this!" Tubbo said. Last time I checked Tubbo and Tommy were not on good terms, I guess that hadn't changed.

"He might lie to you guys, but he wouldn't lie to me." Techno said.

"Vouch." I muttered. It was true, if there was one person Tommy wouldn't lie to it was Techno.

"Sage I'm really starting to believe you're not on my side here." Dream muttered, half joking.

Tubbo sighed, looking between Dream and Tommy. I grabbed the disc from my inventory, sliding it from behind my back enough so that Tubbo could see it. I gave him a nod before Dream started talking again.

"Just give me the disc, Tubbo." Dream sighed, getting impatient. Tubbo opened his enderchest and I chewed on my lip, trying to hold back my smile. Tommy pushed Tubbo away from the ender chest, looking betrayed.

"Tubbo, do you even know what he did to me in exile?" Tommy asked Tubbo incredulously.

"No, no I don't!" Tubbo said.

"Yeah." Tommy said, looking down. "Because you never visited me. None of you ever visited me except for Sage, and now she's betrayed us too!"

Tubbo opened the ender chest and closed it with the disc in his hand.

"Don't you dare." Tommy said. "You- you betrayed me!"

"I didn't betray you, Tommy you betrayed yourself! You betrayed everything we've worked for!"

At this point they both had their axes up and sheilds out. Techno tried to warn Tommy, but it was no use as he swung his axe. A fight ensued, both swinging their axes and yelling at eachother.

"Tubbo, the discs were worth more than you ever were!" Tommy yelled. Tubbo froze as did everyone else around, their eyes widening in shock. A flicker of hurt crossed Tubbos face, Tommy immediately regretted it.

Tubbo took his armor off, avoiding eye contact with Tommy the whole time.

"Just give him the disc." Tommy mumbled, looking down at his feet. It was obvious he was trying to apologize without actually saying sorry.

"I'm sorry Tubbo." He said, breaking the silence of both sides.

"I'm sorry, Tommy." Tubbo said as well. "Do you want me to-"

"No, no.. just- just give him the disc." Tommy sighed in defeat.

The disc clattered to the ground in front of Dream, where he picked it up almost immediately, handing it to me. I celebrated in my head, but it was far from over. Dream chuckled.

"I really, really appreciate it." Dream said.

"I'm not the person I wanna be." Tommy said remorsefully.

"Tommy, y'know we can get out of here." Techno suggested. "I'd cover your escape, Tommy. We can get out of here, plan for another day."

"Techno, if this is what I've become... Then I don't wanna be me anymore, man. I'm sorry." Tommy said.

"W-what do you mean, Tommy?" Techno asked shakily, his face twisted with worry.

"I'm with Tubbo." Tommy said.

"Perhaps I wasn't clear yesterday, Tommy. When I said I was going to destroy L'Manburg, and I said you didn't have to help me, I meant that you could sit it out, not switch sides!" Techno protested.

"Tubbo, I just wanted to say that you're an idiot." Dream said, laughing a bit. "You are an absolute idiot. And you have no power and you are the worst president that has ever been president of L'Manburg! I AM MORE PRESIDENT THEN YOU, TUBBO!" He yelled in his face. Tubbo looked scared, I would be as well if Dream were yelling at me.

"...Sage?" Tubbo said desperately. I looked down at my feet. Dream only continued.

"You just gave me the ONE THING that I needed to destroy L'Manburg! I don't care about L'manburg, I don't care about anything, I've said this before-" I cut Dream off before he could continue as I laughed. Dream was calling Tubbo an idiot? Look at him right now.

"Why are you laughing?" He said, confused. Everyone just stopped and stared at me as I finally pulled myself together.

"Dream, you have no right to be calling anyone an idiot right now." I said, holding up the two discs in my hand before putting them into my ender chest. A look of realization and horror crossed his face.

"You gave the discs to me." I smiled. "And you won't be getting them back for a very, very long time."

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