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dreams pov

I had barely moved from my spot at the table, staring into nowhere with my thoughts running wild. Was Drista telling the truth?

I guess there was no way of knowing without asking. Even though it was around four in the morning, if Drista was right she would be awake.

I hugged myself as I walked down the path, shielding myself from the cool wind that bit at my bare arms. It wasn't long before I reached Sage's small house, a muffled voice coming from inside. I knocked lightly on her door, being careful not to make too much noise as to not wake up anyone else around. After about a minute of silence the door creaked open, and exhausted looking Sage behind it. She looked so different from when I first met her, the light in her eyes was dull and her expressions were blank.

"Y-you're not real." She took a few steps backwards, her eyes widening slightly. "Please, just leave me alone. You're not real." She said more quietly.

"Sage, I'm real." I said. "I promise."

"And that's what you say every night. Fuck, you said it to me five minutes ago!" She said, a few tears escaping her eyes. "Please, just don't. I already know it's my fault, I already know I fucked up and I already know that I can't fix this!" Her voice getting louder. I quickly walked to her and covered her mouth, trying to silence her before someone wakes up. I removed my hand and she looked at me in disbelief.

"Y-you, I-" She started.

"Drista told me everything."

She stared at me, her eyes glazed over and her expression unreadable.

"And h-how much is everything?" She asked shakily.

"Everything." I repeated.

* * *

Sage wasn't at the daily assembly today, apparently she was sick. Obviously I knew that was a lie. Wilbur had sent word that there would be another meeting next week.

"Do you know what happened to Sage?" Drista asked as I planted some seeds.

"Why would I know what happened to her?" I asked matter-of-factly.

"Dream." She deadpanned. I sighed and met her eyes.

"You told me to sleep on it, and that's what I did. And I've decided that I'm going to forget it. Its over, for real this time. Any feelings I had for her are gone." I said, standing upright. "End of discussion."

"Number one, you certainly don't look like you slept on it, and number two, you're a terrible liar." She stated before rolling her eyes and walking away. Classic fourteen year old attitude.

"Fuck." Sage whispered, breaking eye contact. "Fuck." She repeated. She stared out the window, breathing deeply trying to gain back her composure.

"So then are you here to reject me? You don't need to. I already got the message." She said, her usual witty attitude returning although it was obviously forced.

"I just-" I stuttered, not really knowing what to say. "Why did you have to hurt me like that?" I asked quietly.

"I didn't want to, trust me." She sighed. "But I wanted to make it up to everyone. What happened. But I realized that they didn't care about me either. And all you really cared about were your discs, so to hell with that." She continued to avoid my gaze, crossing her arms over her chest. "But never once was I lying when I said I loved you."

"Dream, can you come help out with this?" Tommy waved me over to the automatic farm they were trying to make, snapping me out of my memories from the night before. I went over and helped restart the redstone repeaters. Tommy and Tubbo thanked me and I walked away, still slightly in a daze. I needed to think.

So I walked, until I found myself at the field. The field.

I sat down on a rock next to the river, my minds sucking back into my memories.

"But that doesn't matter anymore. Because you hate me, same as everyone else." She said, meeting my eyes for a split second before breaking away again. i cracked a bittersweet smile.

"I don't hate you, Sage. Not a day in my life have I ever hated you. You're my sunshine. I hate what you did to me, and everyone. But I don't hate you, Sage. Because whoever caused all that wasn't you. That wasn't the girl I met in the forest last year, the girl who despised green and everything to do with it, the girl who became my bestfriend. More then that."

"But it was, Dream. trust me, I've denied it for months. I did it. And it only made things worse. You chose me over the discs multiple times. I'm not just a last resort!" She said, holding the gaze between us.

"You aren't. And I'm sorry I did that to you." I said. "But I love you. More then anything in the whole wide world, more then every star in the galaxy and certainly more then the stupid discs." i said. Her face softened for a moment before she turned her back to me.

"We can't do this, Dream. I can't do this. You don't deserve any more pain. I'm lost, and you can't fix it this time." She said. She closed the front door and I heard a muffled sob escape her lips before her footsteps retreated.

I hadn't realized how tightly I was squeezing the compass before I looked down and saw my knuckles white and the gold metal warm against my palm.

We were both lost.

a/n - two chapters in an hour? who is she?

may or may not have cried writing this one, couldnt let it happen that easily

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