Chapter 12: Work Studies

Start from the beginning

"Shouto, was that the 'friend' who convinced you to use your fire?" Endeavor said, turning around and pulling Todoroki with him.

"Yes. It has nothing to do with you. Why are you so concerned with who I make friends with." Todoroki says cooly. "He's a good influence. You should learn from him sometimes."

Endeavor growled. "He uses his quirk illegally. Only villains do that."

"It was for a good cause. He helped people." Todoroki shoved his 'father' off of him.

Midoriya's POV

You aren't supposed to use your quirk. The voice snickered as Midoriya walked back to Gran Torino's house, continuing his surveying. He snuggled in Todoroki's warm jacket.

Shut up. Endeavor's too blinded by his emotions to realize that. Midoriya shot back. He discovered he could answer the voice after the voice decided to keep him trapped in the suffocating darkness one time.

You're going to get caught eventually. The voice said in an annoying sing-song tone.

I've escaped them for six years.

You got caught.

Because I meant to get caught.


Why should I tell you. I hate you.

Don't worry, I love you too.

Midoriya ignored the voice after that. He opened the door of Gran Torino's house to another surprise attack.

"Welcome back Midoriya. Took you long enough." Gran Torino growled. "I've been waiting for my taiyaki for an hour."

Midoriya quickly set down the bundled up Luna, a coffee, and shopping bag before dodging Gran Torino's kicks and punches. He also hurriedly put Todoroki's jacket into his bag so he could give it back later.

After ten minutes of Midoriya dodging Gran Torino, Gran Torino finally decided it was time to eat. Midoriya unbundled a sleeping Luna and took out the taiyaki he bought. His coffee was finished, so he threw that out. Midoriya put the taiyaki in the microwave and waited for it to be done.

"So," Gran Torino said to Midoriya as they waited for the taiyaki. "Why were you so late?"

'I got coffee and they had a long line.' Midoriya used his quirk again, not particularly caring about the consequences. 'I also ran into a friend on the way.'

The microwave let out a small ding. Midoriya took out the taiyaki and gave them all to Gran Torino.

'I bought a sandwich at the cafe.' Midoriya lied when Gran Torino shot him a look.

"Alright Midoriya, let me explain." Gran Torino started chewing on a taiyaki. "You can control shadows halfway around the world right?"

Midoriya nodded and scratched Luna's head.

"Can you detect all the shadows in the surrounding area?"

Midoriya stopped scratching Luna's head, to which she let out a small meow of complaint. 'Yes, I can do that, but it would make me get really strong migraines.'

"Then that's what we're gonna work on!" Gran Torino grinned. "I'm going to be constantly attacking you while you detect all the shadows within a three mile radius. This is an important skill, and moving civilians with be helpful. Think of them as villains, and you can predict their next move."

Midoriya reluctantly nodded. He was going to have a migraine for days, but it would make him stronger.

Luna hopped onto Midoriya's neck, refusing to move. Midoriya sighed and prepared himself for the mental, and probably physical pain he will get.

On Gran Torino's mark, Midoriya let all the shadows in Hosu enter his mind. He was almost knocked off his feet because of the migraine. When controlling a shadow, the shadow is constantly giving Midoriya information about the specific shadow. He can change that flow of information to something more specific like a knife, or thick, liquid like blobs. Having all the shadows give him information is like having all the news stations blasting in your head, and your brain is comprehending all of them.

Stumbling, Midoriya dodged most of Gran Torino's attacks just on pure luck. He got hit quite a few times, and was on the verge of collapsing.

"Alright, you can stop now." Gran Torino called out when Midoriya was holding himself together with just his will. Breathing hard, Midoriya collapsed into a chair and closed his eyes tightly, trying to focus through the migraine. The room was spinning, and it felt like he couldn't get enough oxygen into his lungs.

Gran Torino sighed. "You tried to sense all the shadows in Hosu, am I right?"

Midoriya nodded weakly, his head rested on the table.

"Just do as much as possible without nearly fainting. You can't jump straight to the end." Gran Torino said in a strict tone. "I won't be attacking you as hard, discover your limits first."

By the end of that day, Midoriya could focus and fight when sensing all shadows within a five mile radius. Six if he really pushed himself and focused really hard. Gran Torino told Midoriya the address of the hotel he was staying at, and gave him permission to only use his quirk to sense shadows. Midoriya had to keep keep his 'sense' on at all times. Since it wasn't controlling or moving shadows, it wasn't as draining.

Trudging to the hotel, Midoriya closed his eyes and carefully pushed himself to go seven miles. Luna was purring around his neck, helping Midoriya focus through the migraine a bit. He heard a tiny tweet nearby, and rushed towards the sound.

Oh dear. Midoriya thought as he saw a bleeding bird in an alleyway. It was hiding in the shadows so Midoriya couldn't sense it. Carefully cupping the tiny bird in his hands, Midoriya took out a small towel he had in his bag and wrapped it around the bird. The bird was completely white and looked like a fluff ball. The right side of the bird was stained with dots of red.

A long-tailed tit. Midoriya examined the bird as he ran to the hotel. They're usually in Hokkaido. Why is one here all the way down in the Hosu district? Maybe the wind blew it all the way down here?

Midoriya raced to the hotel, head spinning slightly. Quickly signing in, Midoriya stopped his 'sense' for a moment. He almost crashed into Todoroki who was heading outside for dinner.

"Umm...I guess I'll wait for you?"

No, it's alright. I already ate. Midoriya lied and left behind a very confused Todoroki. He turned on his 'sense' to avoid crashing into anyone else.

Midoriya rushed to his hotel room, nearly breaking the door in the process, and put the fluff ball in the sink. Midoriya turned the water to lukewarm, making sure it was not too hot nor too cold.

Luna stared at the fluff ball. She reached out her tiny paw and gently bopped the tiny tit's head.

Midoriya cupped the tit in his hands and carefully set the tit into the water. I'm assuming it's a 'he'. Midoriya thought as he splashed a little water onto the tit. Floof. That's his name.

After cleaning Floof, Midoriya discovered that the tit had a fractured wing. Checking the wound, Midoriya knew that he would never be able to fly again. Poor Floof. Probably never wanted to be blown here.

Look, you failed to save another living being.

It wasn't my fault. I'm taking care of him from now on.

Maybe you'll fail to protect him like everyone else, like Eri.

Midoriya flinched a little and tried to distract himself from the voice by drying Floof off as much as he could. Go away and leave me alone.

The events of the USJ flashed into his mind again. The voice left him alone after that, but who knows what'll happen once he sleeps. Not wanting to risk it, Midoriya searched for any clues on Eri for the rest of the night, not getting a wink of sleep.

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