🏴‍☠️Chapter 22

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"Punk Hazard! An Angel Woman and A Bird Woman!"

[Name]'s POV
Inside the Sunny

After we ate, everyone go on and do their separate things.

I head to the top of the ship and train my wings since there isn't much trouble now and everything is peaceful.

My only problem is I want the crew to head on a certain island. ugh! I feel like I'm being selfish for thinking this way, but how about those kids? A lot of them have been there for a year or two now and I'm sure their parents are missing them.

How do I get Nami-san to guide us to Punk Hazard? yea, PH. I know Jinbei-san warned us about this but you can't blame me, those kids need help.

puru puru puru puru puru puru pu— gacha.


what's that?


The call ended the moment I entered the room. Did the man just said Punk Hazard?

"Luffy-kun?" I called

"Oh! [Name]! You agree with me rescuing that man, right?" Luffy-kun suddenly pointed at me while smiling widely

"Uh sur—" I got cut off with him shouting "Yosh!"

Usopp's POV
At the mini merry

jeez, why do I have to get that straw?

Luffy, [Name], Zoro and Robin. Oh come on, Nami! Look at them, they're eating calmly! This guys can do it themselves! Whyyy!!

"It looks like an interesting island, don't you think, Usopp-san?" [Name]-chan ask smiling cheekily

this kid.

"I have the 'can't set foot on new islands' disease. Can't I just go back?" I pretended which made them laugh

"oh Luffy-kun, do you eat this?" [Name]-chan ask Luffy and Luffy nodded then [Name]-chan fed him. You didn't have to makes us third wheels.

We then reached an entrance and saw the marine logo, but of course they don't care about that no matter how much I protested, so yea we're inside an unknown territory which definitely is dangerous.

It's hot here. Lucky [Name] who always wear thin clothes.

We walk walk walk and guess what we saw.

A dragon. wait...What? A what?


And you know what's more wrong than that dragon? Our Angel is gone.

[Name]'s POV
In the burning grounds of Punk Hazard

We were walking when we saw a dragon, of course our first reaction is to be shocked.

But what shocked me the most was the half body stuck on the dragon and there's only one person in this world capable of cutting bodies without killing them.

Localize! La—

shitty asshole! He still kept that damn sigils! Fine, it's not like I won't see you soon.

Localize! Monet!

Sugar's sister.

got it! forgive me for leaving but this'll just take a while. I'll just go see that damn doctor and convinced him to help the children escape this hell then I'll come back.


Robin's POV
After defeating the dragon

A centaur, fufufufu. Captain-san, that's not how it exactly works but sure.

"is it just me or is [Name] really missing?" Usopp said

"I guess, she is." I responded

"She must be lost." Zoro said, fufufu she's not you, Swordsman-san.

"Shishishishi! It's alright! She can protect herself, she's strong!" Luffy stated happily

Let's see where she is then. oh, she's away from us. [Name] looks like she's finding someone, this is a little suspicious.

"Let's gooo!" Captain-san shouted while the legs he stuck to himself is protesting

oh! What's this? Another side of the island.. which is cold and has a mountain made of ice. This must be were the call is coming from.

"There's a winged woman there! Almost like a bird!" Usopp suddenly shouted


"That must've been [Name] then!!" Luffy shouted excitedly

Exactly after he shouted, [Name] fell over. Luffy then stretch his arm and caught [Name].

"Shishishi, you were lost, weren't you?" Luffy ask and [Name] look away then nod

Something is up..

[Name]'s POV
seeing Monet

"Oh dear [Name], you're here." Monet said and chuckled

"Where's trafalgar?" I ask

"The warlord.." she said then paused for a while then said "Trafalgar Law is with us."

My eyes widened. What?

"Oh look, here's your crew. Am I right?" She said then pointed down. Before I look down at the crew, she suddenly pushed me which made me stumble and fall.

Luckily, Rubber arms caught me.

"Shishishi, you were lost, weren't you?" Luffy-kun asked me and I'm sorry but..

yea, I nod.

"Tsk! and you said you have good sense of direction." Zoro-kun said

"Shut up. This is a weird island, look over there! It's snowing and cold while it's super hot here." I diverted their attention to the other side of the island.

I'll tell you guys soon what really happened in this island and what's happening right now.


[on hiatus again] 懐かしい (Natsukashii) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora