🏴‍☠️Chapter 21

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"A cute filler chapter: [Name] and Luffy. The dream of becoming his Pirate Queen"

[Name]'s POV
back in the Sunny

ugh, this is so confusing! how come they changed and I didn't?

"[Name]" Robin-san's gorgeous voice is calling me

"yes?" Of course I have to answer back

"The button at the back of your shirt." She said

"huh? What button... AH! IT POPPED OFF!" oi oi why now? I'm in front of the whole crew. The next thing I knew is hands growing on my back and putting jacket on me.

"I think you're actually back to normal, but since you're baby face, it doesn't look like it. Look at your chest, I think they became bigger somehow." Robin-san pointed out

"I think the same, [Name]-chan." Nami-san also said

"w-we think the s-same, [Name]-chwannn/sannn." Sanji-kun and Brook-san said earning a punch in the head from Nami-san

"shishishi then you all are back to normal! Let's eat!" Luffy-kun is lively as always

"We just ate!" Sanji-kun said and kick Luffy-kun.

yea, we're back to normal.

Luffy's POV
In the Sunny

aaaaaahhhhhh I'm bored.

"Usopp! Play with me!" I shouted at Usopp

"Sorry, Luffy! I have to help Franky out! Next time!" He shouted back

Person 1 - failed

"oiiii chopper!! Let's play!" I shouted at Chopper

"Sorry, Luffy. I have to rearrange our medicine supplies." He answered back sadly

"But, I'll play with you after!" He continued

Person 2 - failed

"zorooooo!! let's playyy!" I nudge the sleeping swordsman yet he isn't even steering a little

Person 3 - failed

"sanjiiii! play with meee!" I said to Sanji

"Sorry, Luffy. Have to cook food for the ladies." He answered and continue cooking

"Cook some for me too!" I said last before going out of the kitchen

Person 4 - failed

"Robinnnn!" I shouted running at the stairs but stop when I saw her reading peacefully

Person 5 - failed

"Fran—" oh right he needs to do something with Usopp

Person 6 - failed

"Brookkkk!" I shouted running at the boys room but I saw him writing a song

"Luffy-san? What is it?" He asked but I just shake my head and smile at him, I even gave him a thumbs up for his hard work.

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