🏴‍☠️Chapter 13

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"Gomu-Gomu no Red Hawk! End of the Reckless Hatred."

[Name]'s POV
Inside Fishman island

"SHIRAHOSHI-SAMA!" shit! dammit! I should've help!


"Manboshi-sama! Fukaboshi-sama!" damn you guys really don't want me to help at all. Never mind, I'd still use it.

Protective Charm! on Shirahoshi!

Atleast I know that she'll be safe.

hey! what the heck?! this whole battle is a chaos! I can't locate two people at once!

Localize! Decken!

WHA— Decken was killed by Hody.. wait.. no not yet..

Localize! Hody!

Hody laughs and says that he has to kill shirahoshi before the ship crashes. He then cuts the two younger princes in their backs.

"Shirahoshi, run!!" Ryuboshi-sama cried out. Shirahoshi-sama runs but Hody catch up to her.

"Even if you're a mermaid, you cannot beat me!" Hody laughs again but was stopped when Luffy-kun attacks him with his Gomu-Gomu no Snake Shot hitting him in the chest.

"You brat actually taught you can beat me? You can't. You have no chance of winning! You can't protect anyone!" Hody mocks Luffy-kun

"That's what the last two years are for!" Luffy-kun shouted back

While that was happening Fukaboshi-sama and Manboshi-sama realizes that if something were to happen with Decken, the Noah would definitely fall on the island.

"Shirahoshi! Change your course! Go to the side!" Fukaboshi-sama yells but was once again attacked by Hody

"Don't interfere!" Hody yells too, Luffy realizes this and tells Ryuboshi-sama to bring him to Shirahoshi-sama but again Hody stops him.

He was about to grab Hody but the water saps away his strength. dammit!!! What do I do?! Is all I can do watch?!

Localize! Decken!

it's no good... Decken was knocked out by a rock falling over due to the turn of the ship.

The Noah.. is falling on the island.

Everything is mess up and I can't see things clearly.

Localize! Luffy!

I don't really know what's happening anymore but I saw Luffy with a Den-Den Mushi. It's hard to hear them too. All I heard was that guards are going to envelop the falling ship with air bubble as it passes. I think Luffy-kun understood that, Hody then attacks asking what can that do. Luffy-kun responds by catching him, breaking his fin blade, equipping armor haki on his arm and punching him back.

I then saw Luffy-kun receiving a call from Fukaboshi-sama. As to what I heard, Hody and his crew are nothing but enemies with an empty will and ambition.

*gasp* WHAT THE HELL?!

"bring everything back to zero" Fukaboshi-sama pleads to Luffy-kun with Luffy-kun responding that he'll take care of anything in here while his nakama would protect everyone in Fishman Island.

As all of this had went on, the guards has successfully fire a new air bubble over the Noah.

Hody charges at Luffy-kun. Luffy-kun then stretches back his arm, going Gear Second and putting a Color Armament over it.


This attack doesn't only resulted into a greatly wounded Hody but also causes an explosion on his back.

That attack reminds me of.. Ace.

*shakes head* no this isn't the time to be sad about that.

They started fighting in the deck of Noah again and finally with Luffy-kun using his Gomu-Gomu no Elephant Gun on Gear third, the New Fishman Pirates' Captain is defeated.

I look back to what's happening in the plaza and saw Tony-kun who's suddenly so big.. hey what's he big for? That Wadatsumi is big too.

Anyway, Hody's defeated. The only problem is the Noah falling.

Luffy-kun is smashing it into pieces though so.. HEY! THE NOAH'S IMPORTANT, YOU CAN'T JUST DESTROY IT! ugh but if he doesn't, it'll hit the island. King Neptune looks like he also agrees that this is the only way to save everyone.

Shirahoshi-sama swims through his continuous attack crying out for Luffy to stop. Shirahoshi-sama then reveals that the Sea Kings came to help.

I get a coral bubble and fly over there quickly. Luffy-kun's about to fall!

Flight! On water!

there you go! I catch him, Shirahoshi-sama was about to do it but she was still talking to the sea kings who seems like they're also talking about Luffy-kun.

"Luffy-kun? Are you okay?" I ask the bloody rubberhead in my arms

"Yeah, thanks for the catch" Luffy-kun replied. Why did I even asked that? It's obvious, he's not. [Name], you idiot!

"Shirahoshi-sama! Let's go!" Shirahoshi-sama is already crying saying Luffy-kun is losing too much blood. yea, let's bring him to chopper.

"You did great, Pirate King."


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