🏴‍☠️Chapter 18

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"Another showcase of Luffy's Haoshoku no Haki! Getting the information needed!"

Nami's POV
With [Name], Robin, Usopp and Chopper

"All the adults know that the marines are here to capture Z!" I said cutely to make the marines believe me

"That's right! We are allies of justice, come to capture the evil Z!" The drunk marine said back while his friend is trying to stop him

"So what is he after? What is Z doing on this island?" I ask again

"He's trying to destroy the end points!" He answered my question.

That's shocking, I thought the end points weren't real.

"You've had too much to drink. Stop running your mouths!" A marine said behind me.

Shit! He must be someone on a higher rank than these idiots! I gotta do something.

"Nothing! That weird man told me to ask about Z!" I said and point at Usopp and he started running along with Chopper.

Sorry, Usopp! :-P

[Name]'s POV
On the dance floor with Robin-san

Robin-san and I are now dancing together when we saw Usopp and Chopper running away while Nami-san is about to be capture by a Marine.

"Cien Flur!" Robin-san said while using her powers.

"Let's go, [Name]! We have to run!" She added. I nodded and run with Nami. It seems that the Marine figured out the Hana-Hana no mi of Robin-san and started chasing us saying we're the strawhats.

Localize! Luffy!

"They're with an ex-admiral, Aokiji! I think he's talking about Z and something about the One Piece!" I said while running

"He's about to leave! Let's run faster, they're close!" I added and run faster, i also decided to carry Nami.

Z is in this island! Plus Luffy and the others knew that from Aokiji so that means we can beat him up!

Yosh! I can see them!

"Luffy, we're counting on you!" Usopp-san said

"Please!" Robin-san said too

Of course I have to say something too!

"Luffy-kun, you're the best!" what the hell, [Name]? Of all things you should've said, you said that?! I sound like Barto huhu. I ran out of something to said, damn.

Luffy-kun look up and released a wave of energy that knock out all of the marines except the captain. He looks weak tho.

"Hey. Where's Z now?" Luffy-kun asked the marine captain

"He's on the far side of the island." The marine answered unwillingly

With that said, the volcano of the island suddenly erupted.

Localize! Ain!

"The second End point is destroyed! Grand reboot. That's what destroying all three End points will do." Z said.


so his real goal is to destroy all pirates and his first plan was to take one piece so that the pirates won't have to be pirates 'cause we all know people became pirates for the treasure but Z failed that plan due to Garp-san not having the eternal pose then Z proceeded to this plan, to destroy all End Points. What a freak!

"Gomu Gomu no.. Rifle!" Luffy-kun shouted, flying towards Z along with Zoro-kun, Sanji-kun, Usopp-san and of course me. I was the one who bought them here of course I have to be with them.

"I'll fight the female swordsman" Zoro-kun said then run

"Hey! Ain's mine!" I shouted and run to them. Sanji-kun take Binz and Usopp-san is just behind us. Of course, our captain will fight Z.

"hey! I can do this by myself, go back!" Zoro-kun shouted at me

"huh?! you go back, marimo!" I said back

"I'll take you both out!" Ain interrupted our bickering. tsk! I trained hard for this, ya know. Like I'd let you beat me and touch me again.

"Move, woman! You remind me of the ero-cook with your fighting style!" Zoro-kun said to me again

"I told you, you go back!" I shouted louder this time and I even managed to land a kick at Ain's face.

The volcano erupted again. Damn you, Z! That's too reckless! People might get caught in it!

Cosmic Awareness! Ain!

I'm stronger than her. With—

"That's enough! If we ever meet again, I'll finish you two off for good!" Ain shouted in the middle of our battle. What? Is she running away?

"She got away." Zoro-kun said. I know, I know they use a smoke bomb to get away.

Smash tornado!

I hear Z say then the next thing I see is Luffy-kun getting hit by a bullet. That's no ordinary bullet! The bullet must be made from Sea Stone. Dammit! I'll help him!


"Luffy-kun!" I shouted

"Shanks entrusted me with that hat!" I hear Luffy-kun said. Z got his hat! And now he got Luffy-kun too.


Can't this wings be any faster?! I'm always late to help dammit!

Got you! I got him! Usopp-san! Where are you? Luffy-kun's unconscious!

"Luffy! Luffy!" Usopp-san!

"Here! Here, Usopp-san!" I shouted for them

"I'm sorry!" I can't help them at all

"It's alright, [Name]-chwan. There's nothing we could do for now. Let's escape this eruption first!" Sanji-kun said then started running with us

"Sure-kill green star! Body Banana!" Usopp-san then led us on a boat

"We're dome for!" Usopp-san shouted again when the whole lava freezes. Aokiji...

Let's rush! I use my wings to carry Luffy-kun so that Usopp-San, Zoro-kun and Sanji-kun can run faster. We then reach Nami-san and the others and managed to get on the Sea Train. The whole island is gone after the explosion.

And I've never felt so useless in my whole Life.


[on hiatus again] 懐かしい (Natsukashii) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt