🏴‍☠️Chapter 15

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"Seeing Ain again! One hell of a battle in the New World!"

Luffy's POV
In the Sunny

"Yosh! Let's celebrate both the Cherry Blossom season and our new Nakama!!" I shouted to everyone happily

We all wear new clothes for our Cherry Blossom party. Brook and Franky even have their hair in Pink color shishishi. [Name] is wearing a flowy pink cherry blossom kimono, while Nami is wearing a bikini and Robin is wearing a blue sweater. The guys are wearing different clothes too. I'm too lazy to elaborate and I'm eating meat so shishishishi

I'm eating meat! Chopper and [Name] are drinking milk! Zoro is drinking his booze! Franky and Brook are having fun! Nami is relaxing! Sanji is serving her drinks! Robin is watering the plants! Usopp is.. what's that poison? He said he's spraying pesticides! Anyways we're all having fun!

"Our milk is a bit bitter too" [Name] said after drinking her milk so I snatch it and drink it too

"Nasty" I saw [Name]'s a little red, eh? why is she red again? Never mind. Ah! The sakura's about to end! Wait, you Sakura!

I continue eating then but even the meat is nasty now too. eh? Maybe it's snowing?

"The weather's too hot for it to be a snow" Zoro said, so it's not?

"Nami-san, I think this is Volcanic Ashes" [Name] said, ooohhh ashes

"Yeah, it's volcanic ashes" Nami confirms

Nami's POV
Still in Sunny

The look on the Log Pose is odd, it looks like a lost child. In any case, we have to stay away from that island.

"Speaking of which, Nami. There is one man here that must never see that needle" Usopp whispers to me and I Agree, it's my job to choose the safest route.


"Let's go that way! The needle's moving in a cool way!" Luffy said beside us, well atleast his head is

"yea! I agree with Luffy-kun! Smells like an Adventure!" [Name] who's flying above us is always on Luffy's side really!

And now we're going there. Seriously this captain.

"I'm a navigator! [Name]! Luffy! Keep on watch!" I yelled to those two who nodded in return

[Name]'s POV
Still in Sunny

Since Tony-kun is a doctor, he can't just throw that man overboard. Luffy-kun also said to treat his wounds and if he tries to hurt us then he'll beat that man up!

They're now talking inside the Doctor's station as I hear and see them using my powers. That man is even complementing Tony-kun's skill. I have a bad feeling about this, damn.

Battle Smasher... even the name sounds really dangerous.

Luffy-kun was suddenly punched after he said that we're pirates. Dammit! I knew something was wrong with this bastard! Should I use my Protective Charm on Luffy-kun? But that would hurt me too since that man has a weapon made from Sea Stone.

Sanji-kun told us to stay outside. And now the four of them are fighting inside. Shit! Sunny will be damaged!


A-AIN?! This face! I'll never forget it! You witch! So that must mean that... the man inside is.. Z?! dammit!

"I am Ain! Do not resist! Surrender quickly!" Ain shouted

"Like hell we'll surrender!" I shouted back

Nami-san and I are now fighting Ain while Franky and Robin-san is fighting.. this must be Binz!

so this is their faces, i only remember Ain since I was still a kid at that time but I'll make sure that I'll never forget their faces too.

This is bad! I'm wearing a dress so it's hard to kick! Touching her would be a no-no too.

Brook-san, Tony-kun and Usopp-san is caught by Binz's Mosa-Mosa no mi.

"Gust Sword!" I hear Nami-san said and when I look back at them, she's already younger! Shit! I wasn't looking at my enemy!

And now Chopper too! No!

I managed to land a kick at her shoulder but that wasn't enough. I can't keep close!

And now Brook-san and Robin-san too!

"I reverted you to yourselves 12 years ago, touching you twice would remove your very existence" Ain explained

"You with the pink dress, your kick hurts" Ain pointed at me

Something suddenly exploded after she said that.


dammit! My only advantage is that I can fly and I can't be caught by Binz.

"Should I just crushed you, Pirate King? Name yourself!" Z said while holding Luffy.

He threw Luffy at us. I catched him and gently place him down on the deck.

haoshoku no haki!

"Z-sensei, the woman with pink dress is using haki. It's weakening me" I hear Ain stated

"An Angel, huh? [Name] then. You're that woman with the bounty of 80,000,000beli at Marineford a year ago. Your Haki's strong but not strong enough to defeat me." Z said, I know that! I know that I'm not strong enough yet but I just need to make Ain uncon—

"Let's see how long you'll survive, Pirate King!" With that they aboard their ship, dammit! I'm not done with Ain yet!

"Our Fight.. Our Fight isn't over yet!"


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