Case #FF

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The next few days passed in a blurry of meetings and waiting for the competition to end. Five out of the ten had already gave up and gave the information before the end of the week.  Ginger had ended up lasting the longest and made it through the whole week. She had even gave them fake information that would have gotten them caught had it been real.

Everyone was impressed with the fiery female. Mathias was by her side filling her in from the moment her trial ended. Luckily the Royals had a witch who brewed up special potions that healed them quickly. Tomorrow would be the final fight in wolf form between Ginger and another warrior Reed. He was the only other person to make it the full week.

Farrah just had her check up and her pup was doing alright they estimated her to be at 3 weeks so that only gave her 13 weeks left. She had only collapsed once the past week but the morning sickness began and she had coughed up blood twice. She was to be closely monitored and would be seeing the doctor every week.

Farrah and Ginger had spent time together catching up and their bond grew. They were now able to mind link using their twin bond and they were helping each other get over their oast traumas.

Farrah needed some fresh air after the latest meeting and was walking the gardens. It was just getting dark and she was exhausted from the day. They had marked off several more spots the base wasn't and Farrah had a feeling they were missing something.

"Hello darling," a deep voice said and her head snapped towards the male.

As soon as she saw his eyes she knew who it was. The light blonde hair didn't help but the older male was definitely her sperm donor father. "What are you doing here?" She snarled flashing her fangs.

He tsked taking a step closer. "That is no way to greet your father Farrah. Now make things easy and just come willingly and we won't have to hurt you."

At the word 'we' she picked up a few new scents but a familiar one. She growled and got ready to fight. "You are no father just a rapist sperm donor." She snapped before fighting the first few males who charged her.

There were six of them total and she sent a quick link to Ginger. She felt something pierce her shoulder just as she knocked out the second male and she stumbled. She looked to see a dart sticking out of her shoulder and Harris holding a pistol.

"I warned you darling but don't worry I will take great care of you." He told her as she collapsed.

She was barely conscious as she sliced her palm open hopefully leaving a blood trail for them to follow.

Just as Ginger and the rest got to the gardens they were already gone. There were two males laying on the ground. One dead and the other on his way to dying. Jaeger growled grabbed him. "Where is she?!"

He smirked coughing up blood. "The princess is home." He looked at Ginger, "he's coming for you next."

He then took his last breath and Jaeger roared loudly. His mate and pup were missing and the worst person possible had them. Ginger grit her teeth before she noticed a few drops of blood. "She is smart." She whispered crouched down as she dipped her finger and took a whiff smelling Farrah.

"She left us a blood trail." She said and instantly Jaeger shifted smelling it and following it.

Everyone followed but Mathias held Ginger back. "It could be a trap to get you. We need to stay here in case. Please." He pleaded and she sighed agreeing.

They went to the office and began getting recruits to check the last few locations. Ginger was frustrated she couldn't link Farrah and she wished to trade places as Farrah would die quicker being away from Jaeger. That and they had a pup on the way who may not survive.

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