Case #8885

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Once they both laid on the grass thoroughly satisfied a noise caught Farrah's attention. Jaeger noticed her perk up and began looking around.

"What is..." He began to ask but she clamped a hand over his mouth.

She held a finger to her lips and quickly grabbed her clothes and put them on. She followed the noise up river and what she saw made her heart nearly stop. Without waiting for Jaeger she took off running and tackled the kids right before they jumped in.

She could only grab three out of the four but luckily Jaeger saw what was happening and grabbed the last one before his feet could hit the water.

"Hey what's going on? Let us go Jess." They protested as she set them down.

"Go home now and stay away from the river." She warned them and their eyes widened at the command before rushing off back home.

She looked at her watch and it was about the time people who swam in the river would get sick so her and Jaeger walked up stream searching for any clues. Farrah stopped all of a sudden and her nose sniffed the air. Something smelled different. She looked at the river and sniffed again stiff catching the same smell. She quickly grabbed a container and put on gloves before filling it up with some of the river water. She sealed the container and made sure none of the water touched her skin.

"Why did you do that?" He asked and she rolled her eyes.

"The river smells different its very subtle but I think it is whatever has been making the pack members sick. I'm going to analyse it when we get back to our room but we need to talk to the Alpha. Who ever is doing this is not doing it on pack lands and we need to keep others from the river. Those kids could have gotten sick too if we had not have been here." Jaeger nodded and they quickly went back and grabbed the basket of barely touched food before heading for the Alpha.

Jaeger knocked on the door and they were told to enter. "Alpha we have a few things to discuss with you." Farrah said and Jaeger and her looked at each other.

He nodded his head slightly concerned as Farrah closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Jaeger realized she was about to expose her true identity and stepped in. "My real name is Detective Jaeger Rossi and I was sent by the Council to investigate the occurrences happening with the sick pack members. Jess is really my potential mate and wanted to help since she is an amazing cook. We wanted to make sure it wasn't an internal threat before moving onto other possibilities."

His eyes widened and he nodded. "Go on," he told them and this time Farrah spoke.

"We know it is not an internal threat but external. Someone is putting something in the river and those who swim during certain times of day are the ones getting sick and falling into the comas. We suggest you order all pack members to avoid the river until this is resolved. Also is there anyone who used to routinely swim around 3-4 that hasn't been?" She asked and he was slightly caught off by it.

He thought for a second and his eyes widened. "M-My son did, he left shortly before the first person fell into a coma. He had been asked to help train a neighboring pack before he took over as Alpha."

Jaeger and Farrah shared a look. "Did he recently reject anyone or anything like that?" Jaeger asked and the Alpha sighed nodding his head.

"He found a potential mate by the river near the border one day. She was a rogue and wanted him to leave the pack with her. They shared some intimate moments before he told her he wouldn't leave as he had a duty as next in line. So he rejected her and it was about two months later that he left. He should be coming back soon as it has been nearly six months of him being there." He told them and Farrah began running the numbers in her head.

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