Case # 7777

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Case #7777

Location: Dickson County, TN

Information: Several Humans have been attacked and killed by a large predator more than likely a wolf or bear. Authorities are considering a county wide hunt to track the animal and put it down.

Witnesses describe the animal as having dark brown fur and growling. By the size it seems more likely to be a bear. Proceed with caution.

Identity: None

At that her eyes widened. She would not have to hide behind a fake identity and that could end badly should anyone understand who she is exactly. That or they could believe it to be a fake identity. She was also relieved to not hide behind a fake identity any longer but this may put a large target on her back.

As she arrived at the newest crime scene a handsome looking human met her. "Who are you?" He asked and she raised an eyebrow.

"Detective Fang of the FBI and you are?" She smiled, this was a very good looking male. She may have to have a bit of fun before this case was over.

"Detective Roan of the State police. What does the FBI want with this case?" He asked as he motioned for me to follow.

"We are concerned with a new virus possibly affecting other predators across the country or perhaps even a new dangerous species. It may also be a serial killer as we don't want to eliminate any possibilities as of yet." He nodded as we arrived at the newest body.

Her eyes hardened as she looked at the gruesome scene. It was a middle aged human male who had clearly been torn to pieces. He was barely recognizable and judging by the stale scent she knew it was a shifter. "Were any organs or body parts missing from the victims?" She asked and his eyes widened slightly.

"Actually yes they were all missing their livers. Nothing else was eaten just torn apart." She nodded now knowing the culprit.

"It's a bear, wolves will eat the heart and other organs but bears prefer only the liver as it contains the most nutrients. Have there been any frequent sightings or kill spots?" She asked and he pulled out some files and motioned for her to follow.

They stopped at a beautiful black dodge charger as he placed some papers on the hood. "These are the locations of supposed spotting while these, are attack sights."

She nodded as she looked at the two. She turned as a younger kid probably 16 was walking carrying coffee. "Hey kid can you grab me a pen and some tracing paper."

The kid turned and resembled a deer in headlights as he stared at the beautiful female. He nodded his head and she chuckled as her ran off. Detective Roan shook his head. "That kid will be dreaming of you for the next lifetime."

She chuckled and nodded. "He looked like he saw his favorite celebrity. I give him five minutes before he's back shaking like a leaf."

"Really? I don't think..." He couldn't finish as the kid was back smiling and shaking nervously with the items she asked for.

"Here you go Miss," he said nervously and she smiled at him.

"Thank you so much and please call me Farrah." She told him and she swear the boy was going to faint.

"I-I'm Jake," he said before she smiled at him again and someone called him away. She got right to work as Detective Roan stood there shocked.

"Close your mouth before you catch flies." She told him as she continued tracing the sightings on the paper.

"How?" He asked and she shot him a wink.

"A woman never reveals her secrets. Now if my guess is correct the bear should be somewhere around here." She said circling a mile radius inside the area of kills and sightings.

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