The Truth and Decisions

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Farrah had met the infamous Ginger Smith, army Sergeant and she was thoroughly impressed. She was even more shocked when Mathias told her she was another potential mate. Farrah felt protective of the female so she told her the truth about her dying.

She was watching out the window when she heard a mournful and sad howl. She knew it came from Ginger and she felt bad but she needed to know the truth and be allowed to give Mathias a chance. He was a good male and it was high time she told Jaeger the truth.

They had just finished getting tangled up again as he came and wrapped his hands around her waist. "What was that?" He asked and she shrugged.

"We need to talk," she told him as she turned to face him. His eyes held worry as he searched hers for an answer.

"Okay," he led her to the bed as they sat facing each other. Farrah wrapped a blanket around her fumbling with the edge of it.

"I am dying."

"What?" He asked shocked and reached for her but she held her hand up.

"Please let me finish or else I won't be able to." He nodded as his hands clenched into fists. "I have hidden and ignored the mate bond since I was 19. I can't even tell you how many mates I have ignored. Because of this my wolf is dying. She has given up which is why I keep collapsing. I have also been coughing up blood on occasion and have at most a little less than six months to live. No spells such as glamours or hiding the mate bond will work on me any longer which brings me to the next topic. I had a spell preventing pregnancy on me but apparently that no longer works as well."

He looked at her confused as she took a deep breath. "I am pregnant. It's yours." She told him peaking up to see his reaction.

He went from angry to confused to happy to sad. "Farrah," he said reaching for her she crawled into his lap and sobbed against his chest. "We are having a baby?" He asked and she nodded. "How can we stop you from dying? There has to be something we can do."

She sobbed harder. "We need to mate in order to save me but I just can't."

He held her tighter as she cried. "What happened that broke you like this Farrah? Let me in and let me help please." His voice cracked which caused her to cry harder.

He just held her as she sobbed. She couldn't let him see how weak and broken she had been. He wouldn't want her afterwards. She had eventually cried herself to sleep and Jaeger tucked her in before going on the balcony and calling Lucien.

"Is everything okay? How's Farrah?" He asked worried she was becoming worse.

"You knew. You knew and you didn't tell me. Now she is pregnant and may not make it to the birth of our pup!" He shouted and Lucien gasped. "Who did this to her? I want to see the bastard that broke her and break him in everyway possible."

Jaeger and his wolf wanted blood and they wouldn't stop until he got it. "Come back in two days and I will explain everything I know."

Jaeger held her extra tight that night listening to the sound of her heartbeat afraid of hearing it stop. The next day he watched her like a hawk too concerned with her to pay attention to the fighting or Mathias kissing his potential mate for the first time.

The next day he left early leaving a note for Farrah as he went to the Council grounds. Lucien met him at the border and they began their discussion as they walked to the prison. "I don't know much only that she went into a pack as an omega. They treated omegas like shit and we needed evidence as they were part of the four treasonous packs that were arrest five years ago. Her mate was the alpha and when we finally arrested them she was not the same. She was colder and flinched when any male came near her. She trusted less and even trained harder than before. She asked for a spell to hide the mate bonds and prevent pregnancy which had me confused as before she went there she was a virgin. About a year later she began using males like they did females and it led to many needing their memories of her erased as a few became obsessive. She had a bunch of new scars and I have yet to forgive myself for sending her on that mission."

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