Case #9000

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They got to the conference hall and Farrah stayed close to Jaeger. Males eyed her lustfully and she did not trust this pack. Jaeger felt the same especially as he noticed how fearful and timid all the females were including many for the children.

"Alright so it seems someone has contacted the Council. They will be arriving shortly so everyone knows the drill. We have two new members however who do not know the drill and this may be a problem. We are working to find the mole and whoever you are better pray for a swift death." The Alpha said glaring at everyone. "Now Harry and Sofie things here work differently and since we don't have time to explain you two will be escorted to a secret and secure facility until the Council is gone."

Instantly both of them stiffened as warriors began heading towards them. Farrah flashed her canines as did Jaeger. "We aren't going anywhere," Jaeger snarled.

This caused everyone including the Alpha to stiffen. "Get them," he ordered but they had no idea who they were dealing with.

They stood back to back fighting off the warriors. The only had to hold them for another thirty minutes until backup arrived. Farrah clawed one warrior while kicking another as Jaeger grabbed two by the throat and threw them. One smashed into the wall while the other took two more out.

They were outnumbered but the pack members watched on shocked and fearful. The Alpha and Beta were getting more angered and soon joined the fray. Farrah had taken a claw to her stomach and a hit to the face but continued to fight them off. She was unaware of the females watching her in awe and admiration. Jaeger was fairing slightly worse with several claw marks on his torso and arms. They were trying not to kill anyone but they were tiring as the minutes ticked by.

"Arm," Jaeger shouted and Farrah handed him her arm as he spun her.

She swung her feet kicking every male within range including the Beta and Alpha. They snarled at them together and Alpha Nate became angered. "Who are you?" He growled and they both smirked.

"They would be the top two detectives for the Council Alpha." Boss said as him and a large team rushed in. "Alpha Nate you and your beta are under arrest for breaking council law. Your pack and its members will be put under review."

Both Jaeger and Farrah breathed a sigh of relief. "Who are you to order this?" The Alpha growled and Boss smirked.

"I am Lucien Herra, head councilman and leader of the detective section of the Council." Gasps were heard all the way around.

Even Farrah and Jaeger were shocked by this. They had only ever known him as boss but to find out he was the head councilman and the infamous Lucien Herra, former Alpha of the top warrior pack that former the Council and royal guard, they were utterly speechless.

Once the Alpha and warriors were cuffed and escorted away for interrogation Boss made his way towards them. His hand gently brushed against Farrah's bruised cheek in a fatherly manor. "Are you alright?"

She gave a small smile and nodded. "You have impeccable timing." She told him and he smiled.

Suddenly his face turned worried as Farrah felt her body start to shut down. "W-What's happening?" She asked as she collapsed.

Jaeger caught her and Lucien began ordering for medics. "Stay awake Farrah," Jaeger shouted as her eyes began to flutter shut.

She tried to stay awake but the darkness was too strong. Both males were loosing it with Farrah unconscious. What was even more shocking was her hair changed back to her normal blonde. The pack gasped unsure of what was going on but one female she had inspired pushed through the crowd. Jaeger growled at her and her eyes widened in fear.

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