Case #8885

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Farrah had taken the sample and began analyzing it as soon as she could. After nearly six hour she snarled as Jaeger walked into their room with bloodied knuckles.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"These samples have nothing! Absolutely nothing in them is out of the ordinary and it is driving me insane. Did you get anything out of him?" She asked slamming the papers down.

He shook his head as he walked into the bathroom and began rinsing his hands off. "No he refused and trust me I tried everything. Ripping finger nails, teeth, cuts with silver, I even used silver powder in his cuts and nothing. We are running out of time." His chest rumbled as he slammed his hands on the counter.

"I know this just makes no sense everything in the sample is found here. We have algae, blackberries, trout, even pine." She snarled before stopping. Her brain began to assess the sample digging deeper for knowledge of local plant life. "Oleander." She whispered and Jaeger looked at her confused.

"What is Oleander?" He asked as she dug through the papers.

"Oleander is a highly poisonous plant and is found around this area. I found trace amounts in the sample I took. But if enough was put into the river or even made into a tea and dumped into the river it would be absorbed through the skin causing illness and eventually death if the toxicity level is high enough." She told him while finding the paper with the oleander levels on it.

"Can we cure it?" He asked and she nodded.

"Yes but we need to start treating them soon as it takes a while for the treatment to work." She said as they rushed out and to the infirmary.

The doctors got right to work administering the treatment and Farrah and Jaeger made their way to the dungeon. They stood in front on Fredrick with matching smirks.

"I ain't telling you shit so just kill me." He said exhausted as he was a bloody mess.

"Now now, Fredrick why would we do that when you can die slowly do to the effects of the oleander you were using." Farrah said and his head snapped up towards her.

"H-How? No! Give me the cure!" He shouted and her smirk widened.

"No, your punishment is to die slowly the same way you intended those innocent pack members to. I find it quite poetic actually. So enjoy falling into a coma while your body slowly shuts down yet your subconscious will continue to feel the excruciating pain of the poison working its way through your system." She told him before walking away with a smiling Jaeger. He shouted and cursed them but their smiles never faded.

When they got back and had reported back to the Council Farrah flopped on the bed exhausted. Jaeger joined her as they both stared at the ceiling silently. "So Farrah why do you use the spell to hide the mate bond?" Jaeger asked and she sighed.

"My first potential mate destroyed my views on mates. I also have no need for a mate, I like being a detective and I won't change that for any male." He nodded still staring at the ceiling.

"I almost destroyed a case over a potential mate only to find out she was involved and trying to use me. I didn't want to risk that ever again. Would you ever accept a mate who accepts your position and wouldn't change it?" He asked turning to look at her.

She sighed deeply and shrugged. "I don't know. I was broken in ways I didn't know were possible and I still have yet to heal from them and may never heal. I'm broken Jaeger and I wouldn't wish my burdens on anyone."

He knew she was being truthful ad her silver eyes looked into his. She had removed her contacts and he couldn't get enough of her silver eyes. "Maybe I want to carry your baggage and burdens with you. Will you let me?"

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