Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

“Rosie? Come over here, please.’’ Patrick’s voice rang faintly over the noise of the café as I smile politely to everybody and made my way back to him.

“Yes?’’ I say, quietly.

“Rosie, what are you still doing here? You graduated a month ago. I know that this place is amazing,’’ he said with a playful wink. “But…you have a talent, pure and rough. Why don’t you try your luck? You could go to London and start your career or you could stay here and rot in this damned little town.’’

My lips formed a thin line as I frown at him. “I thought you loved this town?’’ I ask, feeling confused.

He smile at me, a secret twinkle shining in his eyes. “I do, but I know for a fact that your heart doesn’t belong here.’’

I bit down on my lips, my thoughts running wild. But before I could furthermore think about it, Patrick reach over and pull on the string of my apron, resting it on the counter as he smile at me, like a proud grandfather smiling down at his granddaughter. “Shoo, go. Live your dream, Rosie.’’ He push me out the door as I barely had time to grab my carry-all bag.

I wave goodbye and ran to my bike, quickly pedalling home as I hope I’d be able to catch my Mother before she left for work, my focuser obviously not on the road.

You know, when some people say that you see your life flash before your eyes, seven seconds before you die? It’s true you know. Well, partially. In those seven seconds as I saw the car barrelling toward me, only some memories came back to me. Seven important memories.


It’s been three weeks, since the boys left. Three weeks, since the streets got quieter.

We were walking home from school, Amber and I, talking quietly as we soak in the warmth of the sun.

“Rosie?’’ She began as I simply hummed in response. “What do you want to do, later on?’’ She question as I glance at her.

I sigh, my eyes dropping to the ground. “I’d like to sing…but I don’t think it’s going to happen, you know? I probably won’t make it in the musical career, it’s just….not going to work I guess.’’ I told her, shrugging in defeat as she frown at me. “What about you?’’ I say, plastering on a smile.

She let it slide and look off into the distance, a dreamy look appearing on her face. “I’d like to be a stylist, you know. But not any stylist. You’re tour stylist.’’ She sigh, shaking her head from any thought.

The rest of the walk was silent as we walk back home. “Amber…we are graduating soon, you know. Soon, we might end up going in different ways, we might split up.’’ I murmur, suddenly fearing the future as thoughts assets me.

“Rosie, believe me when I sat that we will always be friends. We might not be connected by blood, but family is who your heart connects too. I’d take a bullet for you, Rosie.’’ She hug me as I buried my face in her shoulder.

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