Chapter 2~ ⭐

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" Well, did a cat eat your tongue, sweetie?'' He was smirking by now, probably expecting me to faint, giggle and/or blush. I did blush, but who wouldn't when a friggin' star is talking to you and call you sweetie?

Gaining back my composure, and my professionalism, I act like he was just another customer.

''Well, there's not any cat that took my tongue, Mr. Styles, you just took me off guard and I felt stupid because I didn't realize who you where until a few seconds ago.''

He's just another customer, he's just another customer, he's just another customer, I chant to myself, trying to calm down, as I put back on my waitress-smile.

''Well, I can guarantee that you are not stupid, and if you want, you can take a picture and I could sign a piece of paper, so you'll have an autograph.'' Hmmm, tempting.

No, stay professional, you can't do that while working!

Yes you can!

No you can't!






Might as well etiquette me as crazy.

'' Hmph, well thanks for the proposition, but....I can't.'' Smooth , Rosie, smooth. Gosh, here I go again.

'' Why can't you?''

''If you didn't notice before, I'm working and I don't need a picture nor an autograph to prove I met you, because what count is the memory of it.'' I explain myself as clearly as possible.

Surprise flash through his eyes. '' Well ok than.''

'' So what is your order?'' Professional, think professional.

He flash me his dazzling smile. '' Well I would like a cappuccino and a cheese cake, please.''

As I wrote down his order, I felt a tug on my apron. Looking down, I saw Harry's hand slipping a piece of paper. '' What do you think you're doing?'' I swat his hand away, my eyes almost bulging out of their sockets.

'' Euh... I was giving you my number?'' What? His number? Why?

'' Why?  And are you telling me or asking me?'' Gosh, what have I gotten myself into?

He let out a low chuckle, oh that was a sexy sound. Snap out of it Rosie, damn girl hold yourself together!

'' Well I was telling you and I was hoping you would give me a call one day, or maybe give me your number...''

'' Ah ah, my number....and your number....well I guess...'' Should I give it to him? Euh... '' I..Euh... I'm gonna go get your order...see you!" I quickly made my retreat toward the kitchen. Yeah, I know. I'm a coward. Turning on the coffee maker, I press the cappuccino option, and while the machine work is magic, I slice a piece of cheese cake and put it in a plate. Well, I might as well face him now. Better face your problem now, than later on.

Walking slowly toward his table, the tray containing his order, balanced on my left arm, as I try not to fall over or let my clumsiness get the best of me. I look at him on my way over there and could see him staring at me as I walk. Putting down the tray, showing off my waitress talents and silently thanking god, for letting me not fall over.

'' Do you need anything else?'' I ask him as politely and waitress-alike as possible.

'' Could I have your number?'' Here it goes again.

Beginning of A StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ