Chapter 21

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Chapter 21.
"I'm only human,
And I bleed when I fall down.''
~Christina Perri
~3rd Person P.O.V. ~
A deafening silence fell upon the scene as the ambulance roll away. The citizens too shocked to do anything as one of them take it upon himself to move the bicycle from the middle of the road. As the circulation on the streets slowly restarted, a car in particular made its way to the parking of Patrick's café.
Oblivious to the recent event, Rosie's mother climbed out of her car, a joyous smile lifting her features as she slowly walk up to the front door. She opened the door, little bells dinging as she entered. Smiling, she waved Patrick over.
"Hello, do you happen to know where Rosie is? I have great news to tell her. You'll never guess what, I-.'' Patrick cut her off, looking at her sympathetically.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have let her leave earlier, I shouldn't have push her out the door with her apron.....I'm such a horrible person.'' He weep, tear falling for his eyes as dread settle at the bottom of Sophia's, Rosie's Mom, stomach.
"Patrick, tell me exactly where is my daughter.'' She said slowly as Patrick wipe his tears away.
He place a shaking hand on her shoulder, looking straight into her eyes. "A few minutes ago, I...Rosie left in a hurry, she wanted to talk to you about something...and as she was pedalling toward hour house, a car hit her. I'm sorry, Sophia, but she was driven to the hospital in an ambulance, they don't know if she'll make it.'' He said in a trembling voice. He couldn't believe it. If only he hadn't push her out the door. If only he had waited another couple of days. If only he had let her finish her shift....
Sophia, on the other hand, fell into shock as she felt like her whole body has been dripped into cold water, her inside turning into ice as she crouch over, her breathing coming in small gasp. "I have to go....I need to go see her.'' She mumble as she straighten up, picking her keys that fell to the floor as she quickly exited, people staring after in pity.
She drove up to the hospital, parking as close as she could to the entrance and leap out of the car, running inside. "Where's my baby?'' She cried out as the receptionist look at her confusingly. "Roseline Georgie. Involved in a car crash.'' She add.
Biting down on her lip, the receptionist look at her in sympathy. "She's in the surgery room. There's no visitors allowed for the moment.'' As silence hang over the both of them, Sophia rocked back and forth on her feet, a desperate look on her face. "You should sit down, Ma'am. I'll bring some tea or coffee, if you want. Whichever one you prefer.'' She offered kindly as Sophia look at her through damp eyes.
"Please.'' Sophia reply, casting her eyes downwards. "Can I use the phone? I need to call some relatives. They deserve to know what happened.'' She whisper in a broken tone. The receptionist only nod, scurrying toward the cafeteria as Sophia grabbed the phone, her hands shaking as she compose a familiar number. The phone rang three times, every ring making Sophia flinch as she clutch it hard, her knuckles turning white. Somebody pick up on the other side, a tired, yet chirpy voice answering.
"Hello! Who are you and what do you want?'' Amber say, happy as she had received a text from Liam moments ago, stating that they only had three more show before they had a two weeks long break. Sophia took in a deep breath, causing Amber to frown as she wondered who was on the other side of the line. "Helloo? If this is a joke, I swear to god I will find you and give you intestine for my dog to eat and-'' She was cut off by sniffling, Amber growing increasingly worried as she was oblivious to what was happening.
"Amber, its Sophia. Rosie's mother.''  She said, her voice taking a grieving and solemn tone.
"Miss Georgie. Hey?'' Amber respond, not so happy anymore as the worry eat her inside.
"I need you to come to the hospital, as quickly as you can. Please.'' She sniffled as on the other side of the line, Amber jump to her feet, snatching her keys and running out of the house.
Feeling like she was about to have a mental break down, Sophia hang up the phone, not adding anything else.
The receptionist return with two steaming cups, settling them in front of Sophia. "You never told me which one you'd prefer, so I brought you both. Now, come over here and sit down, take the drink and I'll wait with you, okay?'' The receptionist said, sitting beside Sophia in one of the uncomfortable and stiff plastic chair.
Sophia look at her confusingly. "But shouldn't you work, now?'' She inquire, only to have a small smile sent her way.
"Don't worry about that, my shift actually finished like two minutes ago.'' She told her.
"You should go to your family, then. Shouldn't you?'' She question once again, not understanding how someone could be that generous.
"They don't need me right now, but you do.''
On those words, they both fell into silence. Waiting.
Amber rush to the hospital, sending a quick text to Liam to call as soon as possible as she could feel hot tears rolling down her cheeks. She knew Liam was good at comforting people and he would find the words to soothe her worry away.
Sniffing, she enter the hospital looking around at all the faces. Funny how in one place, so many expressions were found. So many feelings experience. Some were happy, others grieving. Some were patiently waiting for his turn, while others where chewing their nails in worry.
Her eyes halted on at the face she was seeking for. She ran over, kneeling down in front of Sophia as she took in her tear-stained face, worry, yet confusion, invading her.
"Amber, you're here!'' Sophia exclaimed, taking Amber by surprise as she swoop her in a hug. "Rosie...she was hit by a car. They don't know if she'll make it, it was pretty severe injuries.'' Just as she told Amber that, the doctor appeared at the end of the hallway, a clipboard in his hands.
"Family of Roseline Georgie?'' The doctor ask in a monotone, yet professional, voice. Amber and Sophia both rose from their spots, advancing toward the doctor. "We have diagnosed Miss Georgie and have found most of her injuries. We are currently running more test as she was taken to the block of operation. We just need the permission of a close member of the family.'' The doctor say plainly, going straight to the point as they didn't have much time to act.
 Sophia immediately nod, giving her permission. Smiling in sympathy the doctor, motioned to a nurse on the other end of the hallway as she run in an unknown direction, hurriedly.
"Ma'am, we have found that Miss Georgie had a severe blood loss, a traumatic brain injury, a strain on her spine, which mean she might be paralysed if she ever survive in the first place, fractured vertebrates, facial injuries, and might suffer from a psychological trauma after her rehabilitation. I have to be honest with you and say that there's barely a 30% chance your daughter pull it through. I'm terribly sorry Ma'am.'' The doctor say with a grave look as he turn around and walk toward another of his patient's room.
As soon as he was out of sight, the facts hit Sophia, pushing her in another breakdown. "No, she can't die. I won't accept it. My daughter. My only daughter.'' She wail, the receptionist hurrying toward her as she guide her to the chair, soothingly rubbing her back.
Amber was simply frozen, shock sipping inside of her. Her best friend was dying, with barely any chance of making it through. It was like a dream, or more a nightmare, as she felt like she was floating. Like all of this was fake. Rosie couldn't be dying. She was probably at home, reading one of her beloved and precious books as music flood her ears. This was not happening.   Numb, Amber didn't even flinch as her phone rang loudly. Picking it up, she accept the call, not even glancing at the screen once, barely moving her hand. 
"Hello?'' She question, her voice seemingly lifeless.
''Amber? You wanted me to call you?'' She heard the voice of her boyfriend, the best friend of Rosie's boyfriend. Rosie's boyfriend, Niall! That seemed to snap Rosie out of it as her barriers collide, the tears flooding her face, like a tsunami hitting a city, the realisation of what was happening hit her.
"Liam. You need to come here now. Please. should bring the boys.'' Amber told him, her sobs making her voice hard to understand, worrying Liam.
"Amber, Love. Calm down and tell me what is happening, please. You know we can't just cancel the tour. It's not like somebody is dying...right? Amber, tell me nobody is dying.''
Amber could only sob even more at that, feeling like she was losing the grip she had on life. Like she was losing it.
"That's the problem, Liam. Somebody is dying.'' She murmur as Liam's jaw drop.
"Rosie?'' He ask, his voice thick as he already knew it was her.
"Yes...'' Amber whisper as she felt heartbroken.
Liam mumble that they will be there as soon as possible, meaning it might be the following day, and they hang up.
Both in tears as they knew they might have lost a friend.
~Liam's P.O.V.~
Crying, I sat down with my back against the wall. Placing my head in my hands, I took a minute to wrap my head around what was happening.
Rosie, our little and sweet Rosie was on the verge of dying. She couldn't die! She was like a little sister to all of us. Except Niall. Oh god! Niall. He'll be devastated. He love her so much. I can't imagine his face when I tell him the news....what if I lied and gave another reason for us to go back? Maybe I could tell him it was a surprise? Wait, no. The fans will be heartbroken and will probably hate us and then Niall will see the Twitter comments and realise something is wrong and be mad at me and- Okay, so I can't lie, but I can't exactly tell him the truth either. What should I do? Knock him off?
Sighing, I stood up on shaking legs, needing the support of the wall as I stumble numbly around the arena we were supposed to play in tonight.
I found the boys room and weakly walk in, ignoring their curious look as I walk to my suitcase, which was pressed against the wall, seeing as we would have gone directly to our hotel rooms after the show. Picking it up, I check to be sure everything was there, throwing in a hoodie that was laying on the couch.
"Guys we need to leave now, the show will be cancelled, I'll call Simon and explain everything to him. We have to catch the flight, so let's go.''
They bombarded me with question, before quickly shutting up as I glare at them. Picking up all their belongings, we exit the room, management yelling at us that we couldn't just cancel a concert like that. Flipping him the bird, the boys gasp at my gesture, knowing I'd never do that in usual.
We grabbed a cab and drive to the airport, the boys all sending me questioning glance and I saw Niall from the corner of my eyes shrugging it off as he pick up his phone, probably to text Rosie. My eyes widen and I had to look away so I wouldn't blurt anything out.
After ten minutes, I heard Niall sigh impatiently. "I don't get it,'' he whined, ''She's not answering me, usually she answer really quickly, something about how she hates slow writer or whatever.'' He mumble as the others shrug it off, pushing him playfully as they teased him about being whipped. Niall stick is tongue out at them, as something snapped in me after seeing them all happy.
"Niall, she won't answer.'' I say, sharply. The others' laughers died down as they look at me, confused once again.
"Liam, what do you mean she won't answer?'' Harry question slowly.
"I mean that she won't answer her fucking phone seeing as she's dying!'' I snap, only to feel guilty as I saw Niall's face pale, his hands shaking as he start sending her text frantically. Placing a hand over my mouth, I look at them wide eyes, refusing to look in Niall's direction as he start crying, Zayn pulling him in a hug.
"Liam. Explain yourself.'' Louis demand, his tone serious as he frown at me disapprovingly.
"Amber called me.'' I start, glancing at Niall from the corner of my eyes as he shook his head. "Rosie was hit by a car...and they don't think she'll make it.'' I whisper the last part, closing my eyes as I felt the grief hitting me, knowing that today everything had changed.
Harry shook his head in denial, as Louis stared blankly out of the window, his mind racing as he tried to comprehend what was happening, to accept it. Zayn was simply sporting an emotionless mask, trying to block out his emotions as he took care of us.
The rest of the ride was silent, at the exception of Harry's mumbling and Niall's sob.
On my part, I felt drained. Like I couldn't cry anymore. I couldn't feel anymore. I can't even imagine how Niall felt right now.
This was going to be a long plane ride....
~Niall's P.O.V.~
We arrived at the hospital, the sun was barely rising in the sky as it was 6 o'clock. I felt unsteady, like I was standing at the rim of a building, the tip of my feet dangling over the edge as the wind push me forward. Like one little nudge would send me over the edge, letting me fall into...what exactly? Darkness? Depression? Nothing?
Sighing, I walk inside, feeling wave of sadness hit me. A figure was running toward me, brown hair flying behind them as they engulf me in a hug, repeating how sorry she was. Hugging her back, I bit back a sob. I pull back slightly so I could look at her and ask her something that was burning me since I heard about Rosie.
" bad is it?'' I question, my voice wavering as she gaze behind her, toward Miss Georgie, sitting on a chair, crying her eyes out.
"It doesn't look good, at all. There was a 30% chance she'd make it out alive....but they operated her and notice how much more severe her injuries were, and she....she only has 15% chance of making it out alive dropped by half Niall, it doesn't sound good.'' She say, trying to keep under control as she seemed drain of tears.
I made a choking sound as she pat my shoulder knowingly. Walking past me, she jump in Liam's embrace. I walk toward Ma'am Georgie, sitting down beside her as I curiously eyed the unknown women sitting beside her, dressed like a nurse. She smile kindly at me, her eyes slightly drooping in tiredness.
"Ma'am, can we see her?'' I ask, timidly. Sophia didn't reply nor flinch at my voice as she stare, unmoving, in front of her, so the nurse, I guess, did it for her.
"Not yet, but soon.'' She was rubbing soothing circle on Sophia's back as I stood up and start pacing. Waiting for the doctor to tell us we could go see her.
After what felt like an eternity, a doctor appeared, holding what seem like a chart board as he look down intently at whatever was in front of him.
Looking up, he talked in a pity filled voice. "Roseline Georgie can now have visitors. But be silent please.''
We all shuffled inside the room, my eyes glued to my shoes as I refused to look up. A choked sound was heard as well as a closing door as Rosie's mom escape the room, unable to see her daughter in such a position.
Taking a deep breath, I look up only to feel like all the air was being sucked out of my lungs. Tears prickled at my eyes as I saw her bruised and covered in bandages' body. Moving closer and closer, I took a hold of her hand, her cold hand.
 How could somebody be alive, yet already look dead?
I leaned down, placing a soft kiss on her hand, looking at her face. I felt like I was slowly drowning, unable to swim in the invisible water, unable to know if I'll make it out alive.
We couldn't do much more, but wait, inside of the room, for something to happen. Something good or bad, just anything.
I felt powerless. I felt dead on the inside as I look at the love of my life, laying lifeless on the bed.
It was barely noticeable, a slight change the atmosphere. It was just a shimmer of hope as we heard a groan, our head snapping in her direction as her eyes flitted open. She stare blankly in front of her for a few moments. Her eyes moved toward the ceiling as she stared in a kind of awe. We all held our breath together, waiting to see what will happen. I kept my gaze on her, hopeful, as she finally look at me, a smile breaking on her lips. She open her mouth to speak, but all that came out was a croak. Frowning, she look down at her own body, seeing all the bandages. I step forward, grabbing her hand in mine as I lightly peck her forehead.
"Keep your energy, Angel.'' I whisper to her as someone went to get the doctor. We wait patiently, everybody scared that just a word could send her back in her small coma.
The doctor entered the room with a worried look on his face as he stare at Rosie confused.
"She shouldn't be awake yet, there's something wrong. Nobody wake up this early from such severe injuries.'' He mumble to himself as he check up on her, not aware that we had heard as suddenly the room was filled with tension.  He check her vitals, prodding at her legs as she shook her egad faintly, signalling she couldn't feel anything.
The doctor smile in relief as he couldn't see anything wrong. "I'm glad to see you awake, Miss Georgie. I thought something was wrong as it is known that the body sometimes have an increase of energy just before dying.'' He said it so casually, completely oblivious to the way almost every occupant of the room wince at his words. He stayed for a minute or two, before walking out of the room.
We all smile, relief over taking our features as we stood around her bed. "I love you, Rosie. Forever and always.'' I smile at her as she timidly return it.
"To the moon and back.'' She whisper. Blinking rapidly to get rid of her tears, she look around the room, at everybody standing there. "I love you guys, every single one of you.'' She whisper, before her eyes closed as she rest, letting her body slowly heal, giving it the force it needed.
We sat around her as she sleep, quietly talking amongst ourselves. Laughers ringing here and there as we were all relieved.
She was going to be alright, we all thought.
She's alive.
 She's going to make it through.
We were filled with relief and greater hope.
That was until we heard the only sound I never wanted to hear. A long monotone beep. The sound of a heart stopping.
Everything after that was a blur as we were all pushed out of the room, shock filling my core as I caught a few words. "Internal bleeding...went unnoticed...Too late...Died...'' But they didn't make sense to me as all I could hear was that long beep.
Over and over again.
          The End.


Goodbye! :) xx

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