Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I woke up to the sun shining through my eyes, the bird chirping around me and a sore back. Something was weighting down on my waist as I struggle to get up. Hearing a groan, I halt every movement, immediately thinking the worst.

 What if it’s a bear? What if it’s going to eat us? Are we going to die?

Barely moving my head, I look around, trying to locate the direction of the groan. My gaze finally settle on a snoring and…groaning Niall. Smirking, I put my head back down, breathing in his amazing scent. He smelt like…food? I guess it’s logical considering he’s always eating. Feeling him stir behind me, I quickly shut my eyes and control my breathing, faking my sleep.

‘’Huh?’’ I heard him say. I felt him stir a little bit and decide to play him. Groaning, I brought my hand over his chest and had to refrain a smile as he completely halt in his movement. He brought a hand up and pass it in my hair as I lean my head toward his hand. ‘’Gotcha. Next time that you pretend sleeping don’t smile or react to what’s happening around you, you won’t get caught that way. Wait, what if you are sleeping and now I’m talking to myself? That would be weird. Like really weird. And worse is that I’m still talking. I should shut up. Like really shut up.’’ I couldn’t help myself, but start laughing as he ramble on. ‘’Hey you’re awake!’’ He smile down at me as I control my laughter.

‘’Good morning. I doubt you slept well, but I’ll ask anyway. How was your sleep?’’ I ask him sweetly. The forest floor is really hard. He merely shrug as I sat up and grab my bag. ‘’Hungry?’’ The way his eyes light up, I knew I didn’t even had to ask. Nodding like a madmen, he push his hands in my direction in a ‘’Give me food’’ way. Laughing, I grab the bread and spread, giving them to him as he quickly open them and start eating. ‘’We will need to get going soon, before the others get too worried.’’ He nod, standing up and lazily stretching his limb as I did the same.

‘’Let’s get going then.’’ He smile at me and we start our descent.

After an hour or two of grumbling, tripping, and swearing, only from Niall though, we finally arrive at the park. ‘’That was an eventful date.’’ I told him smiling as we quietly walk toward my house. Suddenly, I halt in my movement as a thought struck me. ‘’Niall….what day are we?’’ He look worriedly at me as I hope he would deny what I already knew.

‘’Hmm, I think we are Friday?’’ He answer me in a questioning tone. Freezing on my spot, he glance at me, his face blank.

‘’Niall. It’s Friday.’’ The confusion only grew on his face. ‘’Niall, I have school on Friday’s usually.’’ His eyes slightly widen. ‘’My mom is going to kill me.’’ I mutter as I ran a hand over my face.

“Ohdamn.’’ He mumble. “Forgotaboutthat.’’ I start running toward my house, but before I could get too far away, Niall caught my arm, bringing me to a stop.

“What? We have to hurry!’’ I exclaimed trying to get my arm out of his grip. He let go of my arm, only to intertwine our finger together.

“Rosie, we are already late, why run? Let’s just enjoy the last seconds of peacefulness we have. We both know it’s gonna be the chaos once we get there.’’ I nod in agreement and walk by his side. We silently walk, the birds chirping, the cars passing by, the voice of neighbours talking together being the only sounds. The sky had darken since this morning, what was once a cloudless, calm, blue sky was now a stormy grey. It was as if somebody dropped a pint of black ink.

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