Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

19 days.

That’s the only going through my mind as I woke up the following day.

In 19 days, the boys will leave for their tour. In 19 days, I’ll be standing in the airport, tears streaming down my face as I watch the boy who’s making my heart beat frantically, my cheeks tint red, my breath shallow, just by looking at me. In 19 days, he will board the plane, taking a piece of my heart with him. In 19 days, it might be the last day I see him.

“Rosie, can we go home?’’ Murmur Amber. I turn my head toward her and lock eyes with her.

Right at this moment I knew. I knew we were thinking the same thing. That these boys changed our lives and as they leave, they take every piece of normal we ever had. They will forever be in our mind, they will forever be a part of our story. They affect us more than we thought they would. And now, they were leaving.

Nodding, we both stood, grabbing our bags and stuffing everything we took out of it from the day before. Smiling slightly, I thought about how Amber was nervous and excited to go back home, probably to see Zayn again.

We gave our keys at the entrance, thanking the receptionist, tipping the porter who took our luggage and jump in Amber’s car. We drove home in a comforting silence, both lost in thought.

As we arrive on my street, I bit down on my lip. “Ambs, can you take us to the boys’ hotel? I don’t want to face her yet.’’ I mumble. I knew fleeting from your problem was never a solution, but I just need time. I need time to think things over, to calm down, still slightly annoyed and hurt by her comments.

Amber didn’t answer and simply pass in front of my darkened house, never braking and without   a second glance at the place. I look out the window, staring at the passing landscape, the trees lining the side of the road, their branches casting a shadow over the street. The sun was reflecting on all the puddles around the place, casting stream of lights. She pulled over in the parking lot as I jump out of the car, ready to go see these familiar faces.

I ran up the stairs, stopping at their level. I look over my shoulder at Amber’s panting form. She was out of breath as she walk up to me, a wide smile spread across her face.

I smile at her. “Eager to get back to Zayn?’’ I tease her. Her smile faltered for a second, before she press a new one to her lips. Confusion seep through me.

“Let’s just go.’’ She state plainly as she push past me, an uneasy feeling settled on her face. I shrug it off, falling into step beside her.

We reach their door and my smile was plaster against my face once again. We knock wildly on the door and wait for a few seconds as thumping, knocking and little yell were heard. Finally, an out of breath Louis open the door as he was cackling madly.

“What’s happening?’’ Amber ask, an amused smile on her lips.

Beginning of A StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora