Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

As we were walking around London, snapping pictures every now and then, my phone rang in my purse. Taking it out, I saw Mom’s face appearing. I was not in the mood to talk to her, or even think about, so with a furious tap, I ignore the call, placing it back in my purse. It continue ringing for a while, before it beep signalling an incoming text message. Sighing, I took it out, expecting her name written across my screen, but frown as it keep beeping and beeping, watching with wide eyes as the number of text messages grow and grow.

Thinking the worse, I open it, only to frown as I notice Niall’s text.

“Rosie, please answer me, where are you? Xx’’

“Rosie I’m getting worried, your mom told us someone broke into your house and destructed the kitchen.’’

“Angel….where are you?’’

“Please contact me as soon as you read this.’’

“Please be alright…’’

With a deep frown etch into my face, I call him. He answer on the first ring, his voice washing over with relief.

“Where are you? Are you alright? Are you hurt?’’ He ask quickly.

“Niall, I’m fine, just calm down.’’ I reply calmly as my eyes widen.

“Calm down? Me, your mom and Harry have been trying to reach you for the past 30 minutes. Do you know how worried I was? Your mom called us, border line to break down, talking about how everything was ruined and how you were nowhere to be seen and furthermore, not even answering her phone calls…’’ His word was met by silence as I bit down on my lips, feeling guiltier as the second ticked by. “Rosie….what happened?’’ He ask softly as I sniffle a bit.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t want to worry you, I was just pissed at her and I needed to get out of there Niall. She said I was the reason he left! And the worse is I know it’s my fault. I’m not great enough, but hearing it from her, only made it ten times more painful. To realise your mistakes is hard, but it’s harder coming from someone you love. I was breaking everything in my way when Amber came by, that’s when she realised I needed some time away from everything. The memories, my mom….’’I mumble as I try hard not to let my voice crack.

“Roseline.’’ He start sternly as I stop sniffing, my attention on him as he never call me Roseline. “Listen to me now. It is not your fault, she had no rights to say that. You are worth it, you are far more than enough. He wasn’t worth of you, nobody is, not even I. You have no idea how incredible you are Rosie, you are your own little sun, walking around and lightning up room as you walk. You are the reason I smile every day. You are MY sunshine. He was an idiot if he couldn’t see that, okay? He was an idiot to believe he could find better elsewhere, seeing as there’s nothing better than you…’’ He trail off as tears glistened in my eyes.

“Thank you Niall.’’ I whisper, looking up as Amber walks up to me, a frown etch on her face as she look down at her phone.

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