Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:

I look at Niall, trying to think about how I should do it. Just try to think of a way to kiss someone you just befriended. I glance quickly at Louis and the others, before sitting on my knee and turning Niall’s face toward mine. ‘’Here we go.’’ I breathe out. Without thinking, I crash my lips to his, taking him by surprise as the others start to wolf-whistle in the background. I felt his lips against mine, a sudden tremor going through me as we kiss. His tongue slightly trace my bottom lips, and that suddenly woke me. I pull back quickly and gently, smiling at him, before sitting back at my spot.

‘’Boys of One Direction, truth or dare?’’ They wanted to play rough, well here it goes.

Their face showed shock as sudden protestation rang through the air.

‘’You can’t do that!”

‘’This is not fair!”

‘’It is not in the rules!”

‘’Jimmy protest!”

‘’What the heck!”

I smile at them. ‘’Did she,’’ pointing at Amber, ‘’said I couldn’t do it?’’ Silence met my words. I smirk triumphantly. ‘’Exactly. So truth or dare?’’

They all mock-glare at me, getting up and huddle in a corner. When they came back, they sat at their assigned places.

Louis clear his throat and look at me. ‘’We choose…dare.’’ I smirk at them. They should have taken truth. Too late now. They gulp at my face and Louis ‘whisper’ at Harry. ‘’Dude, how come you never told me, she could be evil?’’ Harry shrug as they all wait for their doom.

‘’Guys I dare you to go down to walk all the way to the end of the street and come back here…’’ They let out a sigh of relief, but I wasn’t done yet. ‘’…wearing your underwear only.’’ Their mouth were agape as they stood back up, pulling of their shirt and pants, keeping their underwear on. I won’t deny that I couldn’t keep myself from staring at them. They were fit. Like really fit. Like tablets of chocolate and mouth-watering fit. Like- well you got what I meant.

‘’Rosie, don’t you know it is impolite to stare?’’ Louis ask smirking.

‘’Louis don’t you know you have a dare to do?’’ I point toward my door and film as they all walk to the street stop, catching the attention of a few fan girl and mostly my old neighbor. They all quickly walk back to the house, filing in slowly and close the door.

‘’So we choose to ask Amber. Truth or dare?’’ Zayn ask as they were getting dress again.

‘’I choose to stop the game considering its 10:45pm, and Rosie’s mom is about to come back.’’

Smart move Amber. More like a safe move. I wouldn’t trust all those guys against me.

We all sat down at the kitchen table, wondering what to do next. Deciding on movies.

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