The girl on balcony

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"Excuse me, sir, can you help us. There's a car that needs fixing" Seth said as the man turned to go, the man looked at him.

"The garage is closed, boy. You can come tomorrow" the man said and started to leave.

Seth got in front of the man, who stopped annoyed "sir, the car has stopped in the middle of the road" he pleaded.

"Sir, I have work to do, that is the reason that we can't wait till tomorrow," the girl said, who has come ahead of the man too.

"Fine, let me get my van," the man said finally giving up. He went behind the garage and came back with a small van

"Hop in, and lead the way," he said stopping the van.

Both of them got into the backseat. The girl gave the direction and the man started the vehicle following her instruction, it took them no time at all to reach the car and they got down.

"Is, this the car," he asked going to the car and started examining it.

"Yup," the girl said following him to the car.

"Looks alright, from outside, maybe there's some problem with the motor, let me check it out" saying this the man went to his van and came back with the kit.

The girl came back to where Seth was standing "thanks, for the help" she said gratefully.

"No problem" Seth replied waving his hand.

"It's late, I think you should go now"

"Really, I can wait till the car is repaired, it's no problem at all," he said in a convincing tone, but to no avail.

"I will be fine by myself, don't you worry. You should go now" the girl said sweetly.

Seth, knowing it was a lost cause to argue, gave up and nodded, he turned around and started walking towards the house, when he felt a hand on her shoulder, he turned around to see the girl.

"Well-er- well actually, I just wanted to say that, as you are new to this place, would you like me to show you around," she said that in a casual tone.

"That would be great indeed, so should I stay here till the car......" he started but, was cut off by the girl.

"No, you should go home, bye," she said, and then turning around she slowly made her way towards the car. Seth turned around too and crossed the road. Before turning the corner he took a look at the girl, she had her back towards her.

he reached the house, only to see that the lights were still on in the hall, he went inside to see Anna sitting there.

"Where are, mom and dad?" he asked sitting on the couch.

"They went to bed, you should go too," Anna said in a stern grandma voice, Seth couldn't help himself and smile.

"Seth, what joke are you smiling at," she said, smiling herself.

"Nothing, I will go to the bed, when will you go," he said taking a sip of water from the bottle, that was on the table.

"I will go shortly. So, how was your walk?" she enquired as he kept the bottle on the table.

"It was good, guess eze was worth coming too, I just hope this trip will be a memorable one," he said wiping his mouth with the back of his hands.

"it surely will be. But what makes you say all this, was this walk more than what you are letting on" she asked jokingly.

Seth laughed "you can say that, I should go to bed now," he said stifling a yawn. Anna nodded, as he got up "Goodnight, Anna"

"Goodnight, Seth," she said as he left the room.

Seth went to his room up the stairs and climbed into the bed, he lay there for quite some time before sleep stole over him. He once stirred from his sleep, at some point during the night. He woke up disturbed by the noise coming from downstairs. He thought of going down to check what has caused the noise, then thinking it must be anna, going for a drink of water he again went to sleep.

When his eyes opened he saw that it was seven, in the watch beside his bed. He got up from the bed and stretched. He was on the bed for another minute or so, before getting up and going to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth and washed his face, not feeling like having a bath he went to the balcony to take some fresh air.

He has just entered the balcony when his, eyes moved to the balcony beside his, someone was standing there, taking in the fresh morning air. The figure too has seen him enter. There was a shock on both of their faces.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" the girl on the balcony said seeing him but before Seth could reply she had gone into the room. Seth too went inside his room, only to see the girl standing on the door.

"What are you doing here?" she repeated again, slowly this time.

"I live here, what are you doing here" he asked completely calm in contrast to the girl.

"Wait- what? You live here, you cant live here...." She said coming into the room "You must have followed me to this house last night" she said looking at him sharply.

"Listen, I never do those things and what do you mean by, I can't live here," Seth asked the girl who has stopped midway towards him.

"Duh, I said that because, this, you idiot is my house," she said as if stating the obvious.

"wait a minute," Seth said lost now "You mean," he said pointing around him "this, is your house"

"Apparently, yes," she said glad that finally, the boy understood this.

Before, Seth could say anything. They heard the footsteps on the wooden stairs coming up and Anna entered the room.

"What happened, I heard you shouting, Zee," she said turning to the girl.

"Nothing gran, just that someone tried to enter the house, that's all," she said, taking her hands and making her sit on the bed.

"What, who was trying to enter, I hope both of you are all right," she said sitting on the bed.

"We are both alright. Do, you know this girl Anna" Seth asked sitting down himself.

"How, forgetful of me. I didn't introduce both of you. Seth, she is my granddaughter Xenia" anna said pointing to the girl "Xenia meet Seth, he will be staying with us for a while" at this both of them looked at each other perplexed.

"What were you saying about somebody breaking into the house," she said looking at both the faces.


Game time:

Little miss bonking and my favourite ice cream maker sis??

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