Friends at last

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Seth turned around to see Lavanya calling to her. she had Aroohi with her, who for some reason had a sour face.

"Hello," Seth said greeting them both.

"Well - Um- Seth... I -Um- wanted to ask you something" Lavanya said uneasily.

Parth and Smith were giving Seth the look which said already-man, Seth just rolled his eyes.

"Ask away Lavanya," Seth said turning back to both the girls.

"Well you see, I  noticed that you live near me. Is it okay if we both accompany you" Lavanya said.

"No problem but, I have never seen you at the bus stop," Smith said giving a coy smile.

Seth too was wondering that, as he really had never even seen her once.

"Well that's because we take the bus one stop earlier," Aroohi said with a huff.

Seth now remembered the other bus stop that he and Samar had seen before. Seth usually didn't pay much attention in the bus so she could've easily gone unnoticed by him even if they took the same bus.

"So how much stop difference is there between you both" Parth asked, she was walking beside Lavanya.

"We both get down on the same stop," she said and Seth looked up, "Actually I just live a few block behind his building"

He really should start paying more attention to the people around him, Seth thought.

"So does miss hot-tempered lives in your building too" Smith pointed out and Aroohi glared at him.

Lavanya looked at both of them expecting Smith to get a punch or slap but when it didn't come she continued.

"No, she just accompanies me till halfway. She gets down near the highway junction to get another bus"

"Do you live far away?" Parth asked curiously but backed away quickly as she scowled at him.

"Does she always has a scowl, sneer, or glare plastered on her face?" Smith asked making everyone laugh.

"You got problem with it boy," Aroohi asked seething.

"Nope, none at all" Smith said holding up his hands in mock surrender.

They all reached the bus stop and continued chatting, Seth was the quietest of all.

Soon the bus came, Seth and the girls climbed in. Seth went and took the seat at the back as usual. Not to his surprise, Lavanya took the seat beside him, while Aroohi sat beside her.

"Are you always so quiet and moody" She suddenly asked.

"Yeah, I am like this why," Seth said turning from the window to look at her.

Seth Astill: Church without the popeWhere stories live. Discover now