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"Here, I wasn't able to give you your gift before because you left," he said giving it to Seth.

Seth took the gift.

"Thanks," he said as he opened up the wrappers. There was a box inside it a silver box.

He opened it to find an analog clock, it looked like an antique, with a worn leather belt and a classy silver rim.

"So, how is it," Mr. Astill asked, looking at him.

"When did you buy this? This is the best gift I got today" Seth said slipping it on his hand and wearing it.

"I bought this for you when we were in France," he said "Is the gift really better than the surprise gift your friends gave you on the beach?"

"What did they give you, that you need to go there," Mrs. Astill asked.

So, Seth told them about the boat ride and the diving that they all did. He told them about the incident with Ken.

"Poor boy, he looked pretty jolly to me," Mrs. Astill said "I feel bad for him"

After that, they talked more about Èze and soon the discussion shifted to his first year at the college. Seth found out that he has been admitted in his mother's best friend college.

"I will have to be good then, which subject does she teaches"

"She teaches maths," Mrs. Astill told him.

"Algebra or Geometry," Seth asked, leaning back on the seat.

"Just maths, primary students don't have geometry or algebra," Mrs. Astill said.

"Wait a sec, if your friend teaches in the primary section then, how do you expect her to keep an eye on me?" Seth asked astounded.

"She teaches in the same brach, she might have contact with your teachers" Mrs. Astill answered simply.

"Fat chance," Seth said plainly.

"Now-now, don't you both start again. Cora, you know as well as I do that Seth is not that kind, we never had any complaints about him in the school why would we have them in the college"

"Colleges have that effect on boys, I am just taking precautions it's better to be safe than sorry" Mrs. Astill reasoned.

Before they could say anything further about it, a man came there and interrupted them.

"Hello sir" he greeted "I came from the car rental store to take the key and the car"

"Sure, here," Mr. Astill said taking out the car key.

"Thank you, can you come with me for a moment to take back the deposit and do some paperwork," the man said.

"Sure," Mr. Astill said standing up and went with the man.

Seth started tinkering with the watch that he had just received, he tried to find out if there was something unique about the watch. Like a light system or a stopwatch. He was disappointed when he wasn't able to find any.

Mr.astill came after some time and took his place, this time Seth bought a soda can and gave it to him. They talked about some other topic before it was time and they got on the plane.

As Seth has told, he slept the whole flight and only woke up before the flight was about to land.

They got down from the plane and after taking their luggage they went out and took a cab back to their place. They lived in central Mumbai, which had its fair share of traffic and chaos on the road, though it is usually found in the afternoons and evenings. This being early morning, the roads were a little empty.

It took the cab around more than an hour to take them to their house from the airport.

They reached the building at around eight in the morning. They got down from the cab.

Seth and Mrs. Astill made their way to the building's entrance with all the luggage, Mr. Astill came after paying the fare.

They took the elevator, to the top floor, getting out from it they turned to the last house from the left of the elevator.

Mrs.astill took out the keys from her bag and opened the door. They got hit by the stale and musty smell of the house as soon as they opened the door. That was because the room was fully shut down, for the time that they were out.

Mrs.astill went to the windows and slided them open.

"What do you want to do now, Seth? Are you hungry, I will make the breakfast while you both can clean yourself up" Mrs. Astill said nodding in their direction.

They agreed and went to their respective rooms to wash and change. Seth took his bag and went to the room, throwing it on the bed he made his way into the bathroom.

After having a nice hot shower he came out and wiped himself dry.

After that, he took out a sleeveless from his wardrobe along with black shorts. He dressed himself up and then went to the kitchen for breakfast, her mother was not in there but, Seth could see a steaming platter of Poha there on the table.

Seth took it and went to the hall. He sat on the couch near the window and started eating.

He had missed the Indian food when he was in Èze, it was not that the food there was bad, no. It's just that he missed the spiciness and the extreme flavors.

He was still eating when Mr. Astill came out in the hall fifteen minutes later, he sat on the couch beside him and started eating.

"Is it okay, if you could go and buy your books, as well as go and check out the college?" Mr. Astill said taking another bite from the spoon.

"Okay no problem"

"You can take Samar with you" he suggested.

"Okay, I will call him to see. If he is free"

After that, he finished his food.

He went to the kitchen and placed the plate in the dishwasher before going to his room to make the call.

He took out his phone from the jeans and called Samar. Someone picked up the call after the second ring.

"Halo, Seth is that you" Samar's curious voice came over the phone.


"When did you come back? how was the trip and France, did you enjoy your birthday......"

"Will you calm down I will tell you everything but, first I have a request" Seth said interrupting the torrent of questions.

"What is it?"

"Are you free to come with me to see my college"

"Of course I am free, my college doesn't start till next month"

"Cool, are you coming then?"

"I will be there in fifteen minutes, I will meet you below your building," he said and hanged up the call.

Seth kept the mobile and went to change, he took out a pale yellow t-shirt and blue ripped jeans, after having changed he went to his father's room.

"Dad, Samar said he would meet me down, I should get going"

"wait," Mr. Astill said then taking out his wallet he gave Seth some notes "Here, this is for the books. Take a bag with yourself to keep the books"

"Sure way," Seth said and went to his room to take a bag. After that, he went down to his buildings lobby to wait for Samar.

Samar came there after some time.

Seth Astill: Church without the popeWhere stories live. Discover now