Cereals on the corner rack

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The next morning was a whirlwind of chaos and events, as Seth got up and freshened up. When he got down to the kitchen he saw Xenia cooking instead of Anna.

"Where's Anna...." Seth inquired sitting down on the chair "..... Why are you cooking the breakfast"

"Gran is on the bed, she was up late, last night. She won't be up until another hour or two that's why I am cooking the breakfast" Xenia replied.

"Oh, I see....... So, will I get to eat breakfast today" Seth asked innocently.

"What do you mean, of course, you will get to eat the breakfast" Xenia answered a little confused.

"No, what I meant was will I be able to eat what you are making"

"Okay, so you are doubting my cooking skills. Fine, I won't make breakfast for you then" Xenia said tauntingly and turned to concentrate on the gas.

"I was kidding.... I don't think you are that bad a cook" Seth pleaded mockingly. Xenia raised her eyebrows, "Alright, I think you are a great cook"

"Thanks for the compliment but, I still won't make your breakfast," Xenia said and left the room with her breakfast.

Seth was alone in the kitchen now, he was smiling though. Going to the refrigerator he took out a milk carton. He poured the milk in a bowl, then going to the corner rack he took out a packet of cereals.

Taking the bowl of milk and the box of cereals he sat on his chair, he emptied some of the cereals into the milk bowl. Keeping the box aside he took the spoon and started eating. Anna had shown him where the cereals were kept the day before, for such cases. He had just finished when Xenia entered the kitchen.

"I was just pulling your legs, your eggs are....." she stopped talking, for she had opened her eyes as she stopped laughing and saw Seth on the tables with the cereals.

"Heya, hope you enjoyed the breakfast," Seth said smiling.

"How did you get your hands on the cereals, did you get the cereals in the kitchen for that matter," Xenia asked coming towards him.

"It was there on the top corner rack, didn't you knew that," Seth asked.

"Nope, gran never gave me cereals for breakfast and I didn't know that there was a packet in the house for the fact"

"Anna, told me about this yesterday. When we were coming home together"

"Oh.... never mind. Now that you have had your breakfast too, let's go to the church" Xenia said.

"Fine, give me a minute. I will just go and grab my mobile phone and watch" Seth said dashing out of the kitchen and hurrying up the stairs and took his phone and watch from the room.

Soon, they were out of the house walking towards the church. They had taken the other way today, first, Seth was doubtful but, Xenia had assured him that it would be fun. They were on the same road where Seth had first met her for the first time.

"I am sorry, for the breakfast. It was just for fun" Xenia said feeling guilty for what she had done.

"It's okay, let's forget it. Anyways, I am used to preparing my own food back home" Seth said looking straight.

"Seth, you never cease to amaze me...." Xenia said looking awed "...... So, what do you plan to do after reaching there"

"I don't know, I haven't got any clue till now so, let's hope we will get some today," Seth said hopefully.

"You should also interrogate the Gardner, he might tell you something"

"Yes, you are right. I should ask him about this Mr. Sieben he might know quite a bit about him, also I will ask him about all the renovation thing and did they really stopped for the same reason or was there any other secret behind it"

"If you ask me, I personally believe that Mr. Seiben is innocent," Xenia said as they reached the end of the road and took a left turn.

"Why is that" Seth asked looking at her.

"Isn't it obvious, he being the owner of the church and all that?" Xenia said emphatically.

"You are right, but Anna thinks that that was all a ruse planned by him and according to her Mr.Seiben never wanted the church, he just wanted the place so, that he can open a tourist place there, I don't know why but I agree with her on this" Seth explained.

"I know why she would say that she is very sentimental about that place but, I still think Mr.Seiben is innocent," Xenia said adamantly.

"I think you are right but, I can't turn a blind eye to what Anna had said, maybe we could be wrong"

"I don't think so, consider this. If Mr.Seiben is behind all this so that he can destroy the church and make his tourist place there, then to the people won't go there thinking the place to still be haunted"

"You are right this doesn't make sense, why would he want to take make a loss for himself" Seth pondered "Man, this seriously is a big mystery"

"Don't worry, we will try to solve this and get to the end of it" Xenia assured.

They walked all the way to the mountain discussing various possibilities that could be there related to the church. They both discussed various points some made sense, others were wild points, by the time they reached the mountain they had enough questions to ask and various things to search.

Both of them climbed the mountain finally determined to get some answers.

"I think we should interrogate the gardner first, then we can look around the place" Seth suggested.

"Nice idea" Xenia agreed with a nod.

They entered the church and went to the back door, they opened it and went into the back garden. The place was just like before but, the gardener was nowhere to be seen. They looked around the garden for a while to see if they could find him. They didn't see him anywhere.

"I think we should check around the place, he must've gone for breakfast," Xenia said.

"Okay, I will check the church while you can have a look around it," Seth said.

"Who made you the boss" Xenia said crossing her hands.

"Okay fine, you can check the church, while I will look at the outside" Seth offered.

"No, I will look around outside but, what should I look for" Xenia questioned.

"Ditches, deep holes, wire, machine parts anything that ought not to be here. Anything that seems suspicious to you," Xenia nodded understanding.


Game time:

My twin don sister??

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