Ten out of luck

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Seth knew that it was a hard gamble, but he was going to tell the man the location. Seth had come to the conclusion that the man was probably the one who had the deal ongoing which they had canceled.

He must be looking for the delivery that his uncle always keeps in a secured warehouse somewhere in CST. The warehouse had a self-destruct system that will blow the place high if it isn't opened by the key.

Only his uncle knew how to overwrite it, the knowledge was dead with him. So, now this man was probably looking for the key to the warehouse.

Seth knew that there was still a possibility that he was wrong and that, this wasn't the key the man was looking for. If it is true then most probably the man will come back and torture him more.

Also if this really is the key the man is looking for then he will kill Seth once he finds whatever he is looking for in the warehouse.

All in all, Seth had made his mind to make a run for it the next time he is out of this damn room.

The room had started to give him creeps, the all-white surrounding, and the absolute silence was maddening.

Lucky for him the room soon opened and a guard came, he was the same one who had bought him here after the interrogation.

The guard beckoned for him to come to the door. Seth obliged, but he took his time to get to the door. This had irritated the guard, who yanked him out of the door forcefully and closed the door.

They began to walk back to the same room down the hall, the guard keeping a tight grip on Seth's hand.

They passed the stairs after some time, Seth carefully observed it this time.

Monitor room, code room, lab 52 - lab 103. Seth read this on a plate that was struck beside the stairs, there was an arrow beside them pointing down the stairs.

Seth looked over it and suddenly a smile spread on his face as he read the last thing on the plate- Garage.

Seth knew that if there was a garage down there then it would have a gate that went out of this place.

Seth knew now what needs to be done and a plan was already forming in his mind.

Seth wiped out the smile of his face and instead forced him to keep his face plain. No point letting the man know about his plans even before it could be executed.

They entered the room and he was made to sit on the table again his hands tied again to his sides the bulb over his head was again turned on.

"Did you enjoy the little break boy" the taunting voice of the man came.

"It could've been better if I had got something to eat" Seth shot back.

"Oh, the cheekiness is still there. Let's see if it remains after another dose of that pill" The man said and Seth saw the shadow becoming bigger.

"No,  wait....." Seth all but shouted.

"What, do you want to say something boy," the man said.

Seth saw that the shadow had stopped increasing and he let out the breath that he didn't notice he was holding.


"Tell me quickly, I don't have all day to spare for you," the man said in a bored voice.

"The key, that you've been looking for is at the same place you had me kidnapped from," Seth told the man in one breath.

"I hope you aren't fooling around with me boy" the man threatened and Seth saw the shadow growing a little bigger.

"Nope, no. I am telling the truth believe me" Seth said fearfully.

"We will see, boy. You can be assured that it won't go fine with you if what you are telling is a lie" The man threatened and Seth gulped.

"Take him back to his room" the man ordered and Seth could hear his footstep receeding.

The guard untied his hands and then gripping them like before they started to make their way back to the room.

Seth saw the stairs in front of them, they were walking towards it. Seth tensed ready, he knew, it was now or never. He only had one go at this if, he failed the result would be death.

They reached beside the stairs that was when Seth lashed out, he did a roundabout kick, which landed on the guard's solar plexus. He was out cold in no time. Seth started running down the stairs.

Seth took notice of the number beside the floor as he was running and he saw '8', he didn't stop running he ran down two stairs at a time.

He was running so fast that he was breathing heavily but, he didn't slow down. He was now on the third floor. When he barged into a guard who was coming up the stairs.

The guard looked at him startled and turned around to run and inform the others.

"Not so easily," Seth said under his breath and jumped down on the guard, who because of this lost his footing and fell down.

Seth got up from above him and with an accurate shot at his neck, rendered him unconscious.

Seth was about to start running down when his eyes fell on the key belt on the guard. He quickly took it.

Bingo, I am hundred percent sure that one of these keys will open the garage doors. He smiled at his good luck and started sprinting down even faster.

Seth climbed down the last floor and was now on the ground floor, he looked around and saw a huge metal door with garage written on top of it. he quickly went beside it and looked at the card slot beside the door.

Seth took out the keys and choosing a card swiped it on the door, the slot turned red indicating it was the wrong card.

Seth tried another card and it blinked red. Suddenly a voice came up.

Last swipe, the front desk will be informed if the key doesn't work this time and someone will be sent to help you.

"Shit," Seth swore.

He looked down at the cards and saw ten cards in his hands. He sighed.

"What are the odds that the next card I will choose will be the right one," he asked himself.

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