Meeting Anna

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The old lady, who was still at the door greeted them happily and beckoned them inside the house.

The inside was very much ancient but, it still felt good. The house had a brown wallpaper theme, with wooden furniture's in the hall and a television on a wooden table. There was a huge painting behind the sofa. The lady motioned them towards the stairs, they went and started climbing only to see that there were guns lining on the wall. They were old barrel models but, it still gave her chills.

They were now on the second-floor landing. The floor had three rooms, and stairs which went further up. There were two rooms on the left and one on the right. They went to the last room on the right, the lady opened the door.

The room was the same color as the house. With a bed, a computer, and a door that led to the bathroom. There was a wardrobe for him to keep his stuff and a bedside table. It also had large windows that, opened into the balcony. There was a chair to sit there and the side had flowers grown, which spread the fragrance into the air and had a calming effect.

There was another balcony on the opposite beside his, that was of the other room. It too had a chair, also there were rose bushes and lilies planted around the on the sides.

"How is the room, did you like it, my child," the old woman asked, looking at him.

"It's nice, thank you for letting us live here," Seth said gratefully.

"It's nothing, nothing at all. You should rest now, I will show your parents to their room" the old woman said turning to leave.

"Thanks again......"

"You can call me Anna," she said and then left, closing the door behind her.

Seth who has slept in the car was not feeling sleepy, he thought of checking his mobile, to see if there were any new messages. Taking out his phone he turned on the data, no notification showed up.

Puzzled he checked the signal bar, which showed no signal.

'There's not even a single bar of signal, great" he thought. He decided to sort out his things, as there was nothing else he could do. He took out only his toothbrush and toothpaste and carried them to the bathroom. he didn't sort out anything else and threw the bag as it was into the cupboard.

Now that his things were settled he thought of exploring the house. He went down the stairs passing the room on the right, which were now accommodated by his parents.

He went to the kitchen downstairs, where Anna was making soup for them in a large pot.

"I hope you like soup?" she asked Seth, who nodded "good, there will be plenty of it tonight"

Seth sat at the dining table, while Anna stirred the pot. When she was done she placed the ladle down and turned to him.

"Are you bored?" she asked coming towards him while washing her hands on her apron.

"Yes, there isn't much to do here. This is all new to me, I am confused about what should I do. I am bored" he said truthfully.

"If that is the case, it's good you told me about this. I know various places that you can go here and various activities that you will like"

"Really, Anna what are those, tell me," he said looking up.

"You can go and have fun on the beaches, it will be a shame if you miss those. You can also explore various caves that are said to be down the cliffs around the beaches, though they only show up during low tides"

"There are caves here in eze, cool. Hasn't anybody explored them" Seth asked awestruck by this news.

"Its, high tide most of the time. Lads your age have tried exploring some, during low tides. But, the majority of them are still hidden and unexplored.

"What, else can be done here, Anna?"

"If you like books then you can go to the library, there you will find many books that you will like. But, it's your vacation, I don't think you will like to waste them by going to libraries"

"I like reading books, thanks. I am currently reading the superhero corps. I doubt they will have the copy of the latest edition"

"I doubt it too," Anna said going back to stir the pot again.

"What else, do we have in eze, Anna," Seth asked now thoroughly interested.

"If you love nature and adventure then there are all sorts of things you can do here in eze. You can do sky diving, mountain climbing, trekking, camping, deep-sea diving. Also, there is an eagle sanctuary on the top of the mountains, you can go there if you love eagles"

"wow..... that's a lot of things, I don't think I will be bored now, thanks," Seth said with a smile.

"Oh, that's not all.... Nope," Anna said with a mischievous grin.

"Is there more, .... things that we can do. What more anna?" seth asked excited now.

"There's a church down the village. It's a very old relic. But, what makes it interesting is that it is said to be haunted, you can go and explore it, if you like" Anna said, while she placed the pot down from the stove.

"This sounds like a mystery"

"Yes, it's a mystery alright, that to a serious one. You will enjoy solving it"

"Okay then, I will go to the church first thing tomorrow," he said decidedly.

"Good, now that you will not be bored on your stay here lets, have some soup. Call your parents down, will you" Anna said, moving to the place where plates were kept.

Seth got up and ran to his parent's room. When he looked in to call them, he saw that they had just finished their unpacking and that all the things were set. Not like his things --- the bag with his things thrown into the cupboard.

"What happened, Seth?" asked Mrs.astill, who has just closed the cupboard.

"The supper's ready if you want to have.... It's soup" he said entering the room.

"Okay, then let's not keep the soup waiting, coming Cora," Mr.astill said rubbing his hands, Mrs.astill joined them and they all went down to the kitchen.

The table was set, three bowls of soup were ready on the table.

They all sat,

"Won't, you be joining us," Mrs.astill asked Anna.

"I usually eat late, I thought that you must be hungry from the long ride, that's why I made this early super, hope you will like it. Help yourself, if you feel like having more" she said and left the room.

The soup was indeed very good, after having another serving they got up and left their dishes in the dishwasher. They came out of the kitchen, to see that Anna was in the armchair knitting. She motioned to the sofa, for them to sit.

"The soup was really good, wasn't it Cora," Mr.astill said sitting down on the sofa.

"It really was, will you tell me how you made it," Mrs.astill said sitting down beside her husband.

"Oh, it was nothing," Anna said waving her hand with the pin in the air "I will certainly show you how it is made, dear"

"You must know a lot of good recipes, I would like to learn them all"

"I do know a whole lot of recipes, living here gets pretty boring after a period. It always helps to learn something new then" Anna said.

"from when have you been living here, Anna," Mr.astill asked.

"I was born here and have been living here ever since..." she said with a dreamy look, "... Seth, dear why don't you go out and walk around," she said looking over to the boy, who was standing quietly "these talk, will only bore you," she said with a smile.

"I will come quickly don't you worry," he said and then left the room.


Game Time:

This sis of mine has kept her life inside levi??


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