Signal amplified phone?

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"It was your mom," Xenia said looking at him, "She, asked where we were"

"Oh, how did they call, if there was no signal," Seth asked curiously.

"There is signal this far in the sea and there is a signal amplified phone in the house," Xenia said.

"You mean there is a phone with signal in the house," he asked incredulous.

"Yes, there is a signal amplified phone in almost every house here in Eze but, they can only be used to call," Xenia said to an astonished Seth.

"I guess that's what keeps you connected with each other" Seth said nodding his head.

"Yeah, but it is boring. Hardly anyone uses them" Xenia said sighing.

Soon they reached the beach and everybody got down, the boys pushed the boat out of the water on the land. Ken has just sat down on the beach, while the others were towing the boat back on the trailer when they saw Mr. Astill coming towards them.

"Hey! look, Seth, your dad came" Ken shouted, who was the first to see Mr. Astill coming towards them.

Mr.astill reached the group and smiled "Hello everyone" he said, then turning to Seth he said "We are leaving. I came here to take you"

"Dad weren't we supposed to stay here for another day or two," Seth asked shocked.

"Yes but, your college has thought of starting lectures a little early, we got the message when we were in Paris. I thought of telling this to you but, forgot it" Mr. Astill explained.

"Oh..." was all he could say, he looked down on the ground.

"Come l will accompany you to the house and help you with the packing," Xenia said, then turning to the others she continued "Sorry guys, you can carry on. I will meet you afterward"

"It's okay, Xenia. There's no need, the luggage is already packed and is in the car. The car is parked on the road, I just came to take him" Mr. Astill said kindly.

"Okay, well. That's good" Xenia said, as Seth looked up.

"Guess it is goodbye then, you were all good friends. I am happy that I met you all" Seth finally said.

"We are happy too.... l to meet you," Christine said tearing up.

"Bye Seth, I just hope you could've lived here a little longer to solve the mystery," Vera said and Seth nodded sadly.

He shook hands with Nathan and John and said his farewell, "Make sure to get selected in the Indian football team, bro" Ken said smiling and Seth nodded.

He, at last, turned to Xenia, who was looking down not meeting his eyes, he looked at her.

"Thanks for everything Zee, you are a good friend," Seth said and turned to leave.

Mr.astill was standing a little away as Seth said his goodbye.

"It seems, you have made quite a friends here," he said as Seth reached him, Seth nodded and they went to the car in silence.

Mrs.astill was sitting in the front seat, she looked at him as he came. Mr.astill got behind the driver seat and Seth got in the back.

"Are you alright?" Mrs. Astill asked concerned, as the car started and started ahead.

"Yep, fine. I am tired" he said closing his eyes, head resting on the back of the driving seat. He quickly dozed of lulled into sleep by the quiet humming of the car.

He woke up with Mrs. Astill, shaking him to wakeup. Seth opened his eyes and looked around. They were outside the airport.

"Wakeup, Seth, we have reached the airport, get out and help me with the luggage," Mrs. Astill said going to the back of the car.

Seth waited for some time to gather himself up before going out and helping his mother with all the luggage.

"You should wait at the terminal, I will catch up with you after calling the rental to inform them where the car is," Mr. Astill said closing the trunk of the car.

Seth took his bag pack and lifted the brown bag while Mrs. Astill lifted the other one, as they went inside to the baggage counter.

They deposited their bag and after the check in they went to the waiting area, it was still two hours for their flight to come.

"You can sleep now if you want, it's still time for our flight"

"It's alright mom, I don't feel sleepy anymore, I will catch some sleep on the plane"

"Do you want a soda?" Mrs. Astill asked him, she knew that it will wake him up fully. She was right, Seth nodded and she gave him a note.

Seth went to the vending machine and slipped the note inside. He pressed the button and a can of mountain dew fell down. He took it as well as the change and went back. he handed the changes to his mother.

Popping the can open he took a long swig of it, and soon he felt energized as all the traces of tiredness left him.

He was just finishing the can when Mr. Astill joined them he took the seat in front of them.

"I talked with them, they will be sending up someone to collect the car as well as the keys," Mr. Astill said, "Anything left for me, " he asked looking at Seth.

"Nope, do you want one" Seth said turning the can down to show it was empty, "Wait, I will go and quickly buy one"

"Nevermind," he said and started rummaging inside his coat pockets.

He arched his eyebrows and smiled satisfied as he took out a packed gift from the back pocket.


Well um...... What do you think now.... Guess the mystery ends here..... *sigh*

Well guys what are your views. Who do you think must've been the culprit?

Hope you all enjoyed Seth's adventures at Èze now let's tune to see his Indian life

......aaaaaaand most IMPORTANTLY... How does he solves the mystery of Èze from India ;)

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