What were you doing out late?

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"What is the claw point, something nasty I think," Seth said with a frown.

"You don't think that it is a suicide point, do you," Xenia asked and started laughing when he saw him nod slightly.

"What is there to laugh, the name sure isn't a love spot, that much I can say," Seth said slightly offended.

"Wrong Seth, its actually a lover's point. just, one difference it's a lovers spot for animal lover, specifically eagles"

"What, you must be joking, eagles. Here, really" Seth asked looking at her.

It didn't look like she was joking from her face.

"It looks like, you have never seen eagles before"

"Nah I have seen quite a few of them, around my place"

"Really," Xenia asked doubtly, "Never have I ever heard of their sightings in cities"

"Yes, I too was shocked when I first saw them, apparently I realized that they came there because of the meat supply"

"That explains a lot" Xenia said as they took a turn "Though, I bet they won't be half a good as the ones here" she bragged.

"You sound confidently sure about this" Seth said raising his eyebrows.

"I am confident, that's why," she said surely "That's because the ones here are trained by the masters and trainers"

Seth just looked confused at her and Xenia laughed before explaining.

"In the mountains, there is an eagle sanctuary, where the eagles are raised, protected and even trained by masters and eagle trainers," she said proudly "They are trained to hunt and follow certain commands"

"Whats, the use of all this?" Seth asked still confused.

"Well......um....well they have their uses" xenia stammered.

"Like, what?" Seth prompted, enjoying her disability to answer.

"Like-like... you know...Ummm....okay, fine I don't know what's the use" she finally admitted "But, training them is fun" she said brightly.

"Yeah training eagles could be fun, I like those birds of prey. What about you?" Seth asked looking at her.

"I like them too though, I would personally like to watch them from a distance rather than train them. Training them is a dangerous thing" she said looking back at him.

"I guess, Nathan doesn't mind the dangers then, he must be pretty brave"

"He is, he joined the sanctuary recently as a junior trainer, he likes to be among them"

"So, it's fixed. We will be going to the sanctuary tomorrow" Seth said exclaiming.

"I don't know, I might have some work to do," Xenia said dashing his hopes.

"Sorry, I forget that you work. Where do you work, though?"

"I don't work Seth, I am looking for one. That's why I go around" Xenia said.

"Oh, I see. I guess then I will have to go alone" Seth said dejected.,

"Hey, don't say so. If you want, we can go on a mountain climbing trussel, after I come back" she said hoping to lift his mood.

"Cool, that would be great," he said with a wane smile.

They trudged on the path for a while when Seth found that they were on the same lane he had taken while going to the mountains.

Seth Astill: Church without the popeWhere stories live. Discover now