Chapter Fourteen

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"Where have you been!?" Hermione exclaims. "You were gone for eight days!"

I shrug. She doesn't have to know, and I'm not going to tell her.

"Harry, come on! Where were you?"

"I was doing some stuff." It's technically not a lie. I was doing stuff. 

"'Mione, just let 'im be," Ron says. For once his mouth isn't stuffed with food. "He's here now, right?"

"Well, yeah... But you were gone too! So most likely you two were doing something together! You-"

"Oh, look, it's almost time for class," I interrupt. "I'm going to get going. See you guys later."

I take my bag and leave before Hermione can stop me. We have Potions first today, and Severus is always early to class. He'll be there to let me in. Or I could just unlock the door with a spell.

Fred and George wanted to know where I was, too, but at least they stopped asking when I told them it was nothing. Hermione's nosy. Maybe she'll stop asking since I technically ditched her.

"Harry? You're quite early. Again," Severus points out once I walk in.

"'Mione won't stop pestering me about where I was. There isn't enough time to go to the library for a while or the quarters, so..."

He gestures for me to follow him in his office after putting down a bottle of something. He sits at his desk, and transfigures the uncomfy leather seat into a smaller armchair.

"I didn't really have time to ask this morning," he starts. "Sleeping in was not a great idea... Anyway, how has it been going with everyone? Since you've been back?"

"Well... Fred and George are alright. So's Ron, Draco, most of the Gryffindor's are actually pretty okay now... Hermione pesters me about it a lot, and that's saying something when I've only been back for today. I haven't even been back for a week!"

"Yes, I can sadly see Miss Granger doing so... How much did you eat at breakfast?"

"I ate."

"Yes, how much?"

"Some toast... I'm not hungry..."


I nod as he gives me a cup of tea. "I've been gone for eight days, and I'm suddenly back with a new bracelet, and you and Remus have exact copies. People are going to start talking."

"They can't really start talking if no one can see it, can they?"

He holds up his arm. It's under his sleeve. You can barely make out the outline, but it's there.

"Remus did the same. We know how nosy children can be, especially those who want trouble."

He calls a House Elf and gets me some breakfast. 

I feel sick.

Then again, this food is better than hospital food, so...

"Can you go to your classes today?" he asks as I eat what I can. I start on the toast again. It should be easy to stomach. I nod. "If not, that is okay."

"I hafta go," I say.

"You don't 'have' to do anything except heal," he replies. "Just... Look, if anything happens, I want you to either go to our quarters - Yes, ours, Harry. They are your quarters, too, now," he says. I guess he can see the look of doubt on my face. "Go to our quarters, or Remus, or me."


"And do not, do not, force yourself to go to your classes, Harry. It won't help."

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