Chapter Twenty Five

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We're staying in a hotel until they track down Dumbledore. It's a nice one, too, but nothing like home. 

The hotel room is nothing like my room there. My pictures aren't on the wall, Hedwig's cage isn't sitting by the window, and I can't walk across the hall to get to Severus. I have to walk across the sitting room and dining room. 

I hate Dumbledore. Dammit, I wish he'd just drop dead. 

Sev lets me stay in his room, for now at least, but I have to go back to mine soon. I'm not going to. And he can try to make me, but good bloody luck with that, sir.

"Harry, are you- Of course."

"Yes, I'm awake. No, I'm not going to sleep anytime soon," I say. He's been talking to Remus for a few hours. I was kicked out and sent to my room because the conversation was 'too adult'. 

"Harry, you're going to drive yourself mad."

"Been there, done that."

"Not doing it again," he responds. "Come on. You can sleep with me again. Last time, Harry."

"You said that last night."

He raises an eyebrow. "Don't make me regret this, Hare."

"Not going to."

I follow him into the other bedroom. Remus is making himself a bed on the couch.

"You can take mine if you want," I offer. 

He shakes his head. "No, I'm alright here."

"They're going to get him, Harry," Sev says. "They will. He won't be able to stay away forever."

"And if he can? If he's able to... You know. If you get... kil-"

"Don't. I won't. I promise you, Harry, that will not happen. I will be here."

Except he might be lying...!

"Stop worrying and come here," he says, sitting up in the bed. I climb in right away next to him. He wraps an arm around me, holding me, making me feel safer. "We're going to be okay, okay?"


"And I'm not going to let anyone hurt you ever again." 


"Nothing is going to happen to me or you."


"They'll catch Dumbledore. He'll be given the Kiss. He won't be able to try to do anything. We'll be safe. All of us. We'll be our little family, you'll screw around with your friends and Sirius, and things can be sort of normal. As normal as we can have them, at least."

"Will it all really be okay, though? Even after he's caught?"

"Yes. It will be. I'll make sure of it."

I want to believe him. I do believe him.

I just can't help the voice in my head telling me it won't. 


"Harry... Come to me, my dear boy, talk to me..."

I open my eyes and see Dumbledore sitting behind his desk. Why is he here, he can't be here!

"Go to him." 

I whip around. Severus stands there. 


"Go. I don't care about you anymore," he snarls. "Should've left you with your blasted uncle."

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