Chapter Twenty Six

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"Draco. Draco, wake up. Dracooooo." I poke his arm until he wakes up. 

"What? What's going on?"

"I'm going to go see Dumbledore. I need to." This really wakes him up, and he must think I'm mad or something. 


"Shut it! You're going to wake up Severus!"

"You want to go to see Dumbledore by yourself?" 

"Well, not by myself. I want to go with when they arrest him. I need to know why..."

"What does this have to do with me?"

"Do you think it's a bad idea?"

"Going to the man who was going to just let you die? Yeah, I do."

"I... Draco, I have to know. I have to know why. And not when he's desperately trying to save himself from a Dementor's Kiss, I need to know the truth." If I don't I might go crazy. "I have to know why he changed like that- Why he hates me, hates that I'm not a puppet."

"Harry, you're going to get yourself killed-"

"I'll be careful!"

"Will Severus know?"


He sighs. "You're telling me this because you want me to agree with you. But I don't. I care about you, Hare, so I am not going to let you go see Dumbledore and get yourself or others killed. I won't." He pulls me into a hug and squeezes. "You're one of my best friends. I won't lose you."

"You really don't want me to go?"

"No. And if I find out you're still planning on going, I'll tell Severus."

I chuckle. "Tattle-tale."

He lays back down like he's going to go to bed, waiting for me to go to my bed and do the same. 

But I don't want to- Not right now, at least.

"Can I stay here?"

"You know you can. Always."

I lie down, bat hugged to my chest, and he gives me a final one armed hug before closing his eyes. I scoot a little closer to him before doing the same. 


"I want to go!"

Severus shakes his head. "No, Harry. No. It's way too dangerou-"

"I have to be there! I have to know why he did what he did! I need to see him get taken away or else how do I know he's not still out there!?"

"Because I will be there! I need to make sure that you're safe! You are not safe if you tag along!"


"Harry, I will not let you be hurt or killed. That's final. You have no choice. You will stay here with Remus." 

The door of the hotel swings open. It's some Ministry person. "Snape, we're leaving soon. If you're coming, now's the time."

I won't let him go all alone.

I want to go. I want to see Dumbledore. He wouldn't hurt me. 

He will hurt Severus.

He sighs and turns to leave, but I wrap my arms around him and stop him.

Dumbledore will killl him if he gets the chance. He will. I know he will. Because he wants me.


"Harry, I don't have time for this! You aren't-"

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