Chapter Ten

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The game is today, and I think I'm going to throw up.

We won against Ravenclaw, but this is against Slytherin. If I lose, I'm going to be known as the Slytherin spy, who lost Gryffindor's game on purpose. I have to win this game.

"Calm down, Merlin," Severus says. I'm shaking again. Of course I am. "I can't lose."

"Yes you can-"

"No, I can't. If I lose I'll be known as the Slytherin spy, even if it isn't my fault." He tries to say something, but I pull on my gloves and start walking to the Quidditch pitch. The rest of the team is here, drinking water, doing stretches, and Oliver's trying to give a pep talk. A pep talk won't help me, but it might help the others.

"Hiya Harry!" someone yells in my ear. I jump back. "What?! Merlin's beard, Fred, don't do that!" I kick the redhead in his shin, though lightly, because we have a game today. "Why're you so tense? You need to loosen up. You'll never catch the Snitch like that."

"That's what I'm afraid of."


"What? Nothing! Go stretch or something." George swoops in and wraps an arm around my shoulder. "Said that's what 'e's afraid of, Gred. So, Hare, what's wrong then?" 

"Is this about that stupid rumor, Slytherin spy?" I shove George's arm off. "Don't call me that."

"Hey, if anything, you'd be a double agent and really be for us, 'kay? So chill. They're stupid prats. You'll do great, you've never lost us a game before."

"Yeah, calm down. As long as you don't try to make out with Malfoy midair, I think we'll be fine." Umm, no. That's gross. He kissed me, and it was just... just...

"That's gross," I say. It's easier to pretend everything's fine than have everyone worry. I start fidgeting with my fingers. "Weasley's! Get to stretching, or when you're stiff as hell and can't move I won't give you any breaks."

"Right on that, Ollie sir!" They both mock salute. I'm about to start my own stretches, but 'Ollie' stops me. "Has anyone been giving you a hard time?"

"No, not really."

"Not really?"

"There are whispers, but no one's saying anything right to my face." He smiles slightly. "Good. Not the whispers, but you know. If anyone says anything right to you, come tell me, got it?"


"Alright, guys! Get your brooms and line up!"

Time to see if I die or not.

It starts off pretty well. Me and Draco circle the field, looking for the Snitch, and stay out of the way of Bludgers and our teammates. Usually he would have tried to start something by now, but nothing so far.

I can see the Snitch, but it never goes this high. Ever. Maybe it just wants to see who'll follow it? It usually has a mind of its own. I follow it, but Draco doesn't , which is strange. You always follow the person who spots the Snitch-

It's cold. Like it just... changed, from sunny and cold to foggy and colder. Like... like I'll never be happy... There... there are dementors? I thought they weren't allowed on school ground! That's what McGonagall told me! Merlin, I'm going to have another... whatever that was, like on the train!

One of them just keeps getting closer, and closer until it's an inch away from me. I feel my hand grip the Snitch, and the other let go.

My broom isn't holding me up anymore.

It's all happening in slow motion. Me falling. My broom falling next to me, until a wave of wind carries it somewhere. People are shouting, screaming, yelling... oh hell, what's the difference between them anyway? It all makes my head hurt in the end.

That Night.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя