Chapter Seventeen

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"WIll you come here please?"

I stop painting. Mr. Rhodes told me to try it out, so Severus bought me some thicker parchment, paint, and brushes.

I walk out to the sitting room where Severus probably is. "Yeah? Oh, hi Remus!"

"Well... Harry, there's this conference I have to go to this weekend," he says. "Meaning I have to leave on Friday and come back Sunday night."


"But you have to stay here."

"That's fine. I'll be alright on my own."

Sev shakes his head. "As much as I trust you, I'm not comfortable leaving you to your own devices for three days. So you'll be staying in the dorm."

"Oh... Okay."

"Wait, really?" Remus asks, the surprise clear in his voice.

I shrug. "Yeah. I talked to Ron  about it last week, and... I told him I might be ready to try it, so... I guess now I have to, don't I?"

They both let out a sigh at the same time. "Well, that was easy," Remus says.

"Definitely," Sev agrees. "Why don't you pack a bag for three days? That way when Friday comes you won't be scrambling to find everything. Don't worry, you can still come to our quarters if you need to, but not to sleep here unless Remus says you can and you have someone else with you."

"Like Ron or Draco?"

He nods. "Like Ron or Draco. Preferably those two, I fear anyone else would set off a firecracker in my room."

I laugh. "Maybe. Right, I'll go pack then."

It won't be that bad, right? I mean, all of them are still nice, none of them are mad at me for living with Severus. I can't talk for the rest of the Gryffindors, but Dean, Neville, Seamus and Ron are still good. They're still my friends at least.

What's going to happen if I have a nightmare? Sure, those potions work most of the time, but not all.


Stop it.

Remus will be there. I'll be fine. I'll be fine. He's the new head of house since McGonagall is Headmistress. I can go to him if I need to. He's nice.

Speaking of Remus...

"Expecto Patronum..." I say quietly. I try to think of the happiest thing I can. 

Something white flows out of my wand. I can't make a stupid animal yet, but Remus says I'm getting there. I don't faint anymore, which is good, I guess.

I finish packing. Sort of.

I don't know if I should bring my bat with. 

I play with it in my lap. I want to bring it with. I really do, actually. He... he's like a comfort thing for me now... 

"Bring it." 

I look up from him so see Severus in the doorway. "What?"

"Bring it with you. If anyone says anything I'll poison them."

I laugh at how serious he sounds. "Really?"

"Yes. Bring it. You don't have to pack that yet, you know. But bring it with you."


I set him back on my pillow carefully so he won't fall over.

"Anyway, I came to ask what you want for dinner. Remus is staying over."

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