Chapter Six

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"Stupid!" I shout. I bang my head against the wall. "Why must I be so daft?!" I throw my head against a stall door. "Of course! Why would they want a stupid, idiotic person?!" I yell.

Of course they wouldn't want me. Why would they? All of a sudden, thanks to that bloody article, they don't even want me to play Quidditch! So much for best seeker, more like best one to bring attention to the bloody team!

I hear a voice behind me ask if I'm alright. "Oh, gee, does it look like it- oh. Hi, Myrtle." Right. Her bathroom, of course she'd be in here. "Just go to the stupid lake, okay! Does it look like I'm good?!"


I grab my bag and leave. No point in yelling at a ghost. It won't get me anywhere. Instead I speed to his quarters. What he doesn't know won't hurt him, and he thinks I'm at Quidditch practice, meaning I should be safe.

The door to my room slams shut. My jumper gets thrown on my bed after I lock it, and the silver metal digs into my skin. Bubbles of blood instantly appear. A sigh of relief escapes my mouth. I repeat it. And then another time for good measure. The crimson liquid starts leaving trails as it slides down my stomach.

I don't have anymore bandages.

Bloody hell.

That spell didn't work last time, it won't work now. I try it anyway... I was right.

He's going to be back any minute now. I don't have any bandages. Severus might.

I open the door a crack. "Accio bandages," I whisper. I hear some clanking, and they come to my hand. I wrap them around my stomach. The entire roll. I tie it as the portrait door opens.

I kick the blade under my bed and pull down my shirt. "Harry?" he calls out. "In here."

He opens the door. "Why aren't you at practice?" I sit on the edge of the bed and look away. He was looking forward to me doing Quidditch. Said it would be a release for me, something to look forward to. "Harry?"

"They don't want me on the team," I whisper. Saying it out loud hurts. "What? Of course they do, you're the best seeker-"

"The team does, my House doesn't! My house doesn't because they said I'm to friendly with the Slytherins, I'm probably a spy and giving the Slytherins our team strategies! Oh, and they don't want a 'weak, broken, attention seeking whore' to play."

Someone actually said that. About me. I thought the Houses were supposed to be your family. I thought...

Screw what I thought. What I thought was wrong. I will never, ever have a family. Freaks, people like me, they don't get families.

"Who said that?" he demands. "Why does it matter?!" I shout. He looks taken aback. I've never yelled at him before. "Why does it matter?! I was stupid for ever thinking anyone would want me! I thought coming here would be different! I thought being here would be better! But no! While everyone get to talk about all the fun they had with their families over the summer, because for whatever effing reason they're still talking about it, I have to sit. And listen. I have to pretend to know what in Merlin's name they're talking about, because I was never hugged. I was never taken to a beach or to a movie. Not to mention the only thing people talk about for October thirty first is the stupid feast, no one cares that people literally died!"

The cuts burn. It feels... good.

"Harry, it does matter. This is supposed to be better for you."

"Then why does everyone hate me?!"

He's going to hate me. I'm shouting at him after all he's done for me.

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