Chapter Twenty One

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I didn't think I'd have nightmares like this anymore.

Of course, I do, and when I did, I had to be in the Gryffindor dorm. 


I bury my face in my pillow. "Go away."

"Are you okay?"

"Go away, Ron."

He doesn't go away. He pushes the drapes open just enough so he can slip inside and sit on my bed. "What happened."


"D'you want to talk about it?" he asks. "Or... what?"

"No. I want to go back."

"To Sn- Severus?"

I nod. No, let's stay here, see who hears me crying and sees me looking like shit. Let's stay here in the dorm, alone.

"It's almost seven. You could go to your quarters after everyone else leaves for breakfast, yeah?"

I shrug. I wish I had stayed in our quarters. 

"Harry, it's okay," Ron says. "Whatever happened in your nightmare wasn't real, and you're safe."

I know I'm safe, I know I'm okay.

I just don't feel like it. 

"D'you wanna go now?"

Duh, Ron.


"Everyone else's asleep. Get dressed."

He makes to leave. My hand shoots out before I can stop it and grabs his arm..


"You don't have to do this y'know. You can go back to sleep," I say. "You hate being up early."

"Eh, I'm already up, and I don't want to be woke up by Seamus dumping ice on me again." He shudders. "That was awful. And besides, we're best mates. I don't mind."

I let go, he leaves for the bathroom to change. I just throw on the trousers and T-shirt I wore yesterday. They don't smell, and I only wore them for two hours. They should be fine to wear again. I think. Whatever, it's just fabric that stops me from being naked. It doesn't really matter that much. 

I shove my stuff in my knapsack just as Ron comes out of the bathroom. "Ready to go mate?"

"Yeah. Sure." 

We quietly exit the dorm, then the common room into the corridor. 

"So, what was it about?" Ron asks out of nowhere. "If you don't mind me asking."

"The usual. Vernon and death." I cringe at how angry I sounded. "Sorry..."

"It's okay." He goes quiet for a moment, then continues. "He... he didn't threaten to..."

I know what he's asking. 

"Yes. He did."

"I'm so sorry, Harry..."

"There's this one dream," I mumble. "I don't have it much anymore, but sometimes... I can't help it. He- Vernon- pushes me into a fire pit. Sometimes Severus is there, or Draco, or you..."


"Why fire? Or why're you there?"

He shrugs. "Both?"'

"...Uncle Vernon said he could push me into a fire pit once... they had one in the yard. He said no one would come for me, that kinda stuff..." I shift my knapsack uncomfortably. "I used to be really scared you'd think I was a freak... that you... you'd just let me go, and not save me, like Uncle said."

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