Chapter Seven.

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"Alright, Harry!" Oliver shouts as I catch the snitch again. "We've been practicing for hours, Oliver. We started at six in the morning and it's almost noon!" Fred complains. George flies down next to him and leans on his shoulder. "Yeah! I'm starved!"

"You lot can go ahead, me and Harry are going to work on dodging Quaffles," Olivers says. Everyone else lets out a sigh of relief. "See ya, Harry. Don't kill him, Ollie!" Fred and George yell as they walk to the showers.

"Do you have new techniques for me, or what?" I ask. I mount my broom and fly two feet off the ground. "No, actually. I just wanted to talk to you without the others around."

"You want me off the team too, don't you?" I ask. Of course he does. Why wouldn't he?

"No, I don't. But that's why I want to talk to you. No one on the team has said anything about that, right? Because I'll deal with them if they do."

"Are you serious?! I can stay?!"

"Of course you can. I'm not kicking you off for some stupid article I don't even know is true. You're the best seeker I've seen here, and you're a good kid."


He doesn't want me off the team!

"Was the article true, Harry? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I look down after getting off my broom and start picking at my nails. "Yes. It was true."

"If you ever need anything, come to me."

"I thought it was your last year," I say. "Shouldn't you be worrying about getting the cup?"

"It's a stupid cup, Harry. I've already got owls from a few different teams, so it doesn't matter anymore. You matter more than Quidditch, Hare. Did you really think I'd put Quidditch before a person?"

"Well, you wouldn't've been the first person-" I cut myself off. "Nevermind."

"I've talked to the team, Harry. They all want you on the team, and it isn't just because you're a bloody good seeker. You're a good person, even if you have a temper. If you were a great seeker, but you were a prick, I'd cut you."

He wraps his arm around my shoulder and gives me a squeeze before turning to look at me. "I've also heard Snape is your guardian now?"

"Are you mad?"

"Nope. He treats you good, right?"

"Sev's amazing. Speaking of him, I might not be able to go to every practice. I'd only miss a few! But Sev wants me to go see someone for... everything, really. Tomorrow I have to leave practice early." Stupid therapy.

"No problem. I can set up practice times for us, or Angelica and Katie can help out a bit."

"Are you sure they wouldn't mind?" I ask. What if I get cut off the team because I miss practice? What if Oliver starts getting picked on by Josiah's gang? Merlin, they're going to think I'm a spy for the Slytherins!

"Alright, well, you should be getting back to lunch. I'll take your broom back to the shed if you want."

"Sure. Severus wants me back for lunch anyway. Thanks, Oliver." I run back to the castle. I can just shower there.

"Hey Potter!" I hear someone call behind me. I turn. That 'someone' was Josiah. "What do you want?" I ask. He sneers. "I want to know why you think your better than me. Because you seem to think that, after you got me suspended for a week."

This is not what I need right now. Not with their anniversary, plus therapy, plus Dumbledore. Oh, and the rumor that I'm 'Slytherin's heir'.

"Answer me!" He puts his hand on my throat and pushes me against the wall. "Stop!"

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