Chapter One

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The door slams behind me. I told someone. I finally told someone. But he wants me to go back. I can't go back. I can hear him calling for me. 

So I start running. 

Somehow I end up in a bathroom. Myrtles, I think. I pull out my pocket knife and start slicing. Up, down, sideways. Cut away, make myself feel physical pain to dull out everything else.

Until I look down. It's covered in blood. I went to deep. I'm going to die. I'm going to die at thirteen. I can't die yet. Please don't let me die yet. I throw the knife and start running again. I can't breathe as I run. Where to was a mystery to me. All I know, is that Dumbledore is not on my side, that I am just a tool. 

I can't go back.

I won't go back there.

"Oh Merlin, I sorry, I have too-"


I look up, and almost faint when I see the Potions master towering above me. In fact, I tumble back, but he grabs me to prevent me from falling. Maybe... even if he hates me, he won't send me back there. He's not barbaric. I think. I have to make a decision, but he's looking at me like I just got back from the dead.

I make my choice.

"Help me. Please. He's going to send me back, I can't go back, please, sir, please," I beg. He looks baffled, but I keep pleading. "Please. Please don't send me back. He'll do it again, he said he would, he promised he would!" He raises a hand and I stop talking, but the tears still fall and I still can't breathe.

I can't fucking breathe.

"Pot- Harry, breathe. You need to breathe. Come with me. It'll be okay but you have to breathe." I start coughing. I didn't expect this from him. He's different. Completely different. Now he sounds nice where as before he sounds mean and cruel.

Like him.

This is school. He can't do that here. 

I follow him and keep tripping over myself. Eventually we make it to wherever this is. 

"These are my quarters. Sit on the lounge, I'll be right there," he says, and start digging in some cabinets. I sit on the very edge. Well, at first. Soon I'm leaning back because it still hurts and I still can't fucking breathe.

"Can't... breathe," I spit out as he walks over to me. He takes my blood free hand and places it on his chest. "Breathe, Harry. Breathe with me." I look up and meet his eyes. He starts breathing, and I try to match up with his, but I can't. I still can't.

"Harry, listen to me," he says, not moving my hand. His hand holds mine in place. "Name five things that you can see." I look around. "You. Chair. Rug, door... portrait." He nods. "Good. Four things you can feel." He goes off listing things I need to list, and I answer, until we're down to 'one thing you can taste', to which I say 'lemon drop'.

I can breathe again.

"Good. I healed those already," he points to my arm. I hadn't noticed, and there isn't anymore blood. "Who do you need help from. Send you back where?" I take in a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

"Dumbledore. He wants to send me back to m-m-my uncle. I can't go back to him, he-he-he... he r-raped me this summer and I told Dumbledore tonight because he said go to him if I have any problems but he said I need to stay there until the war because after the war I can do whatever but he needs me to kill Voldemort and-and-and I'm just a tool for some war that isn't even happening but he wants me to go back anyway and u-uncle promised h-he'd d-do i-i-it a-again and-" A hand clamps over my mouth. I was rambling again.

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