Chapter 25

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Jeff got angry and left me alone with my thoughts. I couldn't exactly wrap my head around all of this. Toby is usually to cheerful, and that's what I love about him. He makes me happy just talking to him, and knowing that he's sad, makes me sad. He's so depressed that he hasn't eaten a waffle in a few day's, and that is saying a lot. Come to think of it, I haven't seen him at the table for breakfast or dinner in three days.

Oh god...

I'll go ask him, maybe we can go do something together. I hope it'll make thing's a little better for him.

As I was walking back towards the mansion, I felt that pain in my stomach. The one that I havent felt in a while, but this time, it hurt so bad I fell to the ground holding my stomach. I cried out in pain, and covered my mouth. It would be a nightmare if someone heard me. I also felt like I was going to puke.

Jeff came running back to me, and asked what was wrong.

"Shut up... you didn't see me like this, I'm fine." I replied while slamming my fist on the ground.

"You're in pain, what the hell is wrong. If you don't tell me, I'll tell Slender!" He pushed.

I stayed on the ground for a minute or two, waiting for the pain to pass. I started to punch my own stomach to make myself stop hurting.

"The hell?! Don't do that, you'll hurt yourself even more!"
He ran over to me and kneeled down, looking me in the eyes.
You couldn't see all the hidden worry in them, and his eyes were actually really pretty. They were a very light grey, almost white.

"Out with it. Are you pregnant or some shit?"

"No... I don't know what it is. I've been feeling this pain a few days after I first showed up here. This is the first time it's been this bad."
I said, biting my lip while trying not to cry.

"Please don't do that, you'll make yourself bleed. Listen, if you can't stand, I'll carry you back. Also, I'm telling Slenderman and you have no say in this. This could be something serious."

He picked me up bridal style, and carried me back to the mansion, trying his best not to hurt me anymore.

"Don't tell Slender... please."
I said lowly.

"Give me ome good reason why I shouldn't. "

"Because he said that if I keep getting hurt, he'll kill me."

He paused and looked down at me. He wasn't mad, not slightly.
He looked... sad, scared even.

"Then what the hell am I supposed to do?"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

He jolted, and looked up to see the one and only Slenderman. I felt my heart sink down to my stomach, and remembered the fact that he can read minds. Even if we didn't tell him, he would figure it out very easily.

"So, you're hurt again? How bad?"

"I... not bad, we were just horsing around and I got hurt, not big d-"

"She's hurting, and we don't know what's wrong. She can explain it better than I can." Jeff blurted out. He handed me over to Slenderman, and he picked me up gently.

"So... it been this long, and that pain in your stomach hasn't killed you yet. I'm surprised. You really are a trooper, aren't you."

I stuttered, damnit.

"You think I havent noticed? I was wondering how long it would take you to figure it out."

"Figure what out?!"

"You ate something from Ej didn't you? An organ maybe? The taste of blood was good, wasn't it? But you never ate anymore after that, am I right?"

"What doesn't that have anything to do with..."

"Have you figured it out yet? If so then go ask him for more, I'm sure he wouldn't mind, especially since your life if on the line."

He set me down and pat my back. Jeff picked me back up and hurried me to Ejs room. He didn't even knock, and burst open the door, throwing me on the bed, straight onto Ej.

"Yo! What the hell?! What happened to knocking?!"
He screamed while holding me in his arms.

"She's gotta ask you a question."

He looked down at me, and I noticed he didn't have his mask on.

"So.... umm. You see I've gotta problem..."

"What's the problem?"

"She's turning into one of those things that you are. Whatever in the fuck that might me."

He thought about it for a minute before realizing what he meant. Then he made that little 'O' sound and walked over to his baby fridge, and pulled out a jar.

"Here, I just got this yesterday. Eat up."

I opened it slowly and sniffed it.

It didn't smell very nice...

"What is this anyways?"

"Does it matter? Just eat it."

I drank the blood out of the jar and continued to eat the organ without thinking to much of it.

I noticed Jeff still standing at the doorway, watching me. Dont know why he hasn't left yet, but I don't care.

"Feel better now?"
Jeff asked nicely.

I nodded and took the jar into the kitchen so it could be washed.

I walked outside and decided that I wanted to go kill someone. Even if I'm not allowed to right now.

I grabbed my shiz and left as quickly as I could. As i was walking I thought about Toby. I'm actually worried about him now, and I don't know how to say anything about it. I felt the guilt bottle up inside me like water in a thin glass. In short, I felt like a shitty human being.

"Hey, Kitten~"

A deep voice called out to me. I turned my head to meet eyes with Puppeteer.

"Hey Pup..."

He looked me with sadness and worry in his eyes. His gorgeous golden eyes.

"What's wrong kitty cat?"

He put his arm around my shoulder's and walked with me, holding me close.

"It's nothing... I'm just tired."

"You expect me to believe that? If you were tired, you'd go to bed. I'm not stupid kitten... what's really wrong?"

I sighed and looked looked up at him.

"A lot... a lot, and I dont even know where to begin."

"Do you think you could try to talk about it?"


We stopped for a second, and he gave me a quick hug.

"I don't know what your going through, but I hope it gets better... I really do care about you Kitty cat."

I giggled and punched him playfully.

"Wanna go kill someone with me?"

"How could I say no to that cute little face of yours?"

What a lovely way to bond with someone 🥰💖😌

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