Chapter 27 pt. 2

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Jeff's pov.

I was tearing apart my room for my secret stash of candy, cause I swear to god either Liu or Ben stole it again. I had M&Ms in there too.

Fucking assholes.

The only other person who has ever stolen my candy without asking was Sally, but I dont care if she does it. I just let her take it.

Honestly, she's so damn adorable for anyone to be angry with her. If I knew who her parents were, I would thank them for bringing that angel into this world.

Once I found out about her uncle, me and a few others tracked him down and.... well you can guess what happened after that.

We didn't kill him.

We just made him wish we had.

Seriously, rape is completely unforgivable. Poor girl didnt deserve that. I wish her uncle would have never shown up in her life. She could have been doing amazing things with her life by now, but he just had to ruin that shit. I hope he burns in hell.

No, even the devil wouldnt want some scum bag like him living in hell. At least when most of us kill, we kill with a reason. To get rid of all the living trash on this earth.

I do have a few favorites in this place, and I would never admit it to their face.

My thoughts were interrupted by someone running down the hallway, not even trying to be quiet.

I looked out the door to see what the fuck was going on, and I saw Fear running. Which was weird to me, because shes usually kinda lazy, nobody was chasing behind her, and its thirty minutes past fucking midnight.

Something just seems off.

I watched her climb out of the window and towards the roof. The fuck? I quickly went to put my shoes on, but I lost those too.


It took my about three minutes to find and put my shoes on, and when I started walking to.the window. Toby came back from.the roof crying, and having a tic attack.

"Yo, Toby what the happened?"

"F-fea-fear fell, and it's m-m-my fau-f..."

I pulled him into a hug, trying to calm him down. He cracked his neck a total of four times when trying to speak to me. Him and Fear have me worried now.

As I was holding him, I realized how much weight he had lost. I started calling for Slenderman using his telepathy. He came as quick as he could, and took care of Toby.

"Where is she?"

"Out-outside. I-Im so so- so- sorry,"

I ran down the stairs and outside as quick as I could. He said she fell, so let's hope she isnt dead. I was panicking, even if I wont show it. I'm scared. I ran around the mansion until I saw her. It became hard to breathe, and I started to cry.

I circled around to the back and saw her body on the ground with blood pooled around her, seeming lifeless. I ran up to her and threw myself on my knees beside her in a panic. I hastily grabbed her head to face me and I saw tears on her face, indicating she had been crying. Blood started pouring from her nose and mouth, so I tried to clean it off with my hoodie. She was limp, so it was hard to hold her up. I grabbed her wrist and checked for a pulse.


I tried her neck, but again.


I put my ear up to her chest...


Is she really gone?

"Fear... (y/n)... stop fucking around with me, it's not funny you bitch. Wake the hell up..."

I got upset and drew my hand back to hit her.

"I said wake the hell up dumbass!!!"

Before I could hit her, I felt a hand grab my wrist. I turned to see Puppeteer.

"Dont... dont hit her. Were you not raised right? Your never supposed to hit a lady... "
He said quietly as his voice cracked.

He was in tears.

We both were.

The only man in this place who I have never seen cry, who I didnt think could cry, was crying right in front of me.

"Really dude... you where supposed to be the tough one here."

"I'm sorry... Le-Lets just get her back. Quickly. "
He said, picking her lifeless body up.

"Dont apologize... If anything I should be the one apologizing."

We walked her back and showed Slenderman her dead body. He took her to the infirmary, and took care of her from there.

"So... you going to the funeral?"
Puppeteer spoke up.

I stayed quiet for a second before replying with a no.

"Why? Did you hate her that much?"

"Of course not retard... I... i just dont have a suit is all... "

"You dont need one... and I know you have one. Why wont you go?"

"What's it to you if I dont?! I just dont wanna go, okay!"

"Is it because... you dont want to say goodbye?"

"I... "

I stood quiet.

Is that why I dont want to go?

"So I'm right."

"M... maybe you are. "

Slenderman walked out and told us to go to bed, but I dont think I can. I'm just way too shooken up from everything that happened.
He said Toby was gonne be isolated from everyone else for a bit. So he can recover. Mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Slender said his tourettes got really bad, and I could be a few days or even a few weeks before it will calm down and go back to normal. He's being medicated, even though I know he hates pills.

I just hope everything will be okay...

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