Chapter 8

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I have been at the mansion for a week now and I pretty much know everyone here. I'm still kinda bad with names so of course I'm going to get a few mixed up. It was Sunday and a few of the other pastas were out killing. Its was actually kind of cold outside, and being soaked in blood didnt help us. Toby was walking beside me silently. It was a comfortable silence though. We were headed back to the mansion after killing a few people. He doesn't seem to like many of the people at the mansion, and he has every right not to. So many people were just a jerk towards him, especially Jeff, BEN and Masky. Masky kinda liked me, Im just more of an acquaintance to him rather than a friend. Toby's really nice and I honestly dont know why so many people act like hes at a much lower level then others.

"Hey, um.... w-wanna get something to eat when we get b-back?"
He spoke interrupting my train of thought.

"Sure. I dont see why not."

"What do you want to eat?"

"I dont know. You got any ideas?"

"W-waffles!" He said with a tick and a crack.


I put my hands in my pockets d continued to walk back to the mansion. I kinda dont consider the mansion a home. I mean, Slenderman could get rid of me any time he wants to, and Jeff lives there and I really dont like him.

We made it back to the mansion and Toby ran int ok the kitchen grabbing my wrist. I giggled and followed right behind him. Jeff was sitting at the table with E.J. Jeff had purposely stuck out a leg for Toby to trip over. We want focused on what was straight ahead of him and he ended up tripping. I tried to stop him from falling but only fell down with him. I landed beside him but was in a position where I could quickly get back up. I stood up and walked straight over to Jeff and grabbed his hoodie collar. I was about to punch him in the face but Toby wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me away from him. I started kicking around so he would let me go but he didnt budge.

"I'm gonna beat your ass, Jeff!" I yelled out of anger.

He got up and harshly kicked me in the chest. The binder I was wearing was already killing my chest and he didnt help it. I held a hand were he kicked me before quickly getting up and taking the hatchet out of Toby's belt loop. I was going to swing it at him but Toby stepped in again and grabbed both of my wrists and held my hands were it looked like he was hugging me from behind.

"Calm down. It's not worth it. I'm okay." He whispered in my ear.

I did as he asked and tried to calm down.

Jeff chuckled and left to do his own thing. E.J sat there and just watched all of this, not caring.

"Sit down. I'll make the waffles. I really want to." He said as he pushed me into a chair.

I hugged my knees to my chest and buried my head in my arms.

"I think it might be about time to take your stitches out. Dont you think?"
E.J asked me.

"I guess."


I looked in the mirror and couldn't help but notice the scar it left. I'm actually kind of proud of this scar. It makes me remember how I beat Jeff's ass when I first arrived.

"Be prepared to get many more scars here. I'd be proud of that one though if I were you." He said crossing his arms looking at me.

"I am. Why would I not be?"

"Most girls here dont really like their scars. Your a first."

"Well now I can look in the mirror and think of the one time I beat Jeff's ass."

He snickered and sat down next to me on his bed.

"I have a big scar on my back. I'm not entirely proud of it though. It's where I got pushed off a roof."

"Why were you on a roof anyways?"

"I honestly have no clue."

I giggled before asking if I could see it. He roughly shook his head no and I didnt ask again. I dont want to make him if he doesn't want to.

"Its fine. Also, do you like Toby?"
I asked.

"Yea. Why? Is it because most everyone is an asshole towards him?"

"Kinda yea, but why? He never did anything to anyone. Did he?"

"Nope. Some people are just assholes like that. Hes actually a pretty nice guy."

"I know, and he doesn't deserve to be treated like he is. Even if he is a murderer."

We sat in a comfortable silence for a moment. I could feel him staring at me. It was kinda obvious he was thinking, but about what? He suddenly spoke up breaking silence we were in.

"How is it that you can be so nice to some people, but you can hate and hold a grudge against others because they did one little thing to you?"

"I dont know, honestly. It's not really easy for me to forgive people, but it's even harder for me to apologize. I hate saying sorry. It's just a word that has little meaning. Most people just say it cause its convenient."


Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" Asked E.J.

"Its me, Toby. Is Fear alright? Is she okay?" He replied sounding kinda worried.

"Yea I'm fine Toby. You can come in if you want." I said.

The door slowly opened and Toby peaked his head through. His goggles were raised but his mouthguard was still up over his mouth. He walked over and sat next to me on the bed. He then suddenly grabbed my chin with his thumb and index finger and made me look at him, immediately looking at the scar under my eye. My face turned red because of how close our faces were and I quickly push him back, and I landed in E.J's lap.

"D-Don't do that!"
I yelled, covering my face.

"Do what?"

"Put your face so close to mine like that!"

"I was just looking at the scar."


E.J laughed and brought up a topic I was hoping would never be talked about again.

"Doesn't Puppeteer call you Kitty Cat?"

"Wait! How did you know?! Who told you?!" I yelled as I scrambled to get out of his lap.

"Doesnt matter who told me. Although I do see why he would call you that. Maybe I'll start calling you Kitty Cat."

I heard Toby giggle and call me Kitty cat. Honestly, it's really starting to get on my nerves. It sounds cute and I dont like it.

"Stop.... please."
I said as I put my hood over my head, and covered my face with my hands.

Toby hugged me and said nope and then E.J did the same. I was practically dying of embarrassment but for some reason, I hugged back.

"Kitty Cat." I heard Toby say.

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