Chapter 20

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(God, I'm so sorry for my sins... -///-
To you, the reader, I hope you enjoy what I have written. Nobody had a problem with the whole kissing E.J thing, so here is another...

We were sitting at the dinner table, and the aura... well.... it was pretty fucking awkward.

What the hell am I supposed to say to everyone?! Oh, sorry I almost died, and the only reason I'm still alive is because Liu found me!

Yea, that was pretty fucking horrible...

But it's the truth.

Ya know, sometimes it's hard to face reality. It is hard...

I suddenly remembered about the thing I was going to get for Liu, but I have to ask Jeff if he wants anything...

Damn it!!!

I took a deep breath in, and let it out after trying to kill myself by holding my breath in. To bad it didn't work.

"Hey, ummm.... Jeff?"
I finally mustered up the courage to say, and as I spoke, the whole table got quiet.

Well, that didnt helps anxiety at all.

"The fuck are all of you looking at?! Mind your own damn business!"

"What do you want, dumbass?"

"Can I talk to you outside for a second?"

He gave me a confused look and asked why.

"Just come on," I said, ushering him out of the door.

He rolled his eyes, but followed regardless. He shit the door behind him and looked at me with his arms crossed. "What do you want, Chucky looking ass?"

"Well, Mr. Ronald McDonald wannabe, I wanted to ask you if Liu has ever told you he wanted something, like, present?"

"No, not really. He never really asks for anything. Why, are you trying to thank him?"

"Y-.... yes, I am... I hate to admit it, but I'm thankful for him. I'd be dead now if he hadn't have been there..."
I looked down at my feet, hanging my head in shame.

"Listen here kiddo," Jeff spoke up while lifting my head to look at him.

"If I were you, I would just ask him what he wanted... or just tell him thank you, that should be enough for him."

"I cant just tell him thank you, he helped my ass! I need to show it to him!"

He stared at me in slight disbelief.

"What if he really doesnt want anything? What if you cant give him what he wa-"

"I dont care about what he wants, I'll give it to him! I dont care what it is!"

"Well princess, you should go ask him then... after dinner, okay."

"You sound like my dad, stop it."

I walked back inside and sat down in my seat. Jason the toymaker was to my left, and Judge Angel's on my right. Candy pop was sitting in front of me as well. I seemed kinda bored though.


After we had eaten, almost all of us were in the living room, playing video games. Jeff and BEN were playing Mario kart, and Jeff was moderately pissed off. It was very hard to beat BEN, and if you did, he probably let you. It was one of his very few talents.
It also made me wonder if he even sleeps, cause hes always on some kind of electronic.

I decided it might be a good time to ask Liu about what I should get him, even though I dont want to ask. I would much rather surprise him, but if Jeff doesnt know the answer to my question, nobody will. Liu tells Jeff everything, although, he never forgave him for what he did in their past. I dont know the full story, but it sounded pretty chaotic. I hesitantly walked up to Liu, and pulled him into the hallway. He only looked at me with concern, but was still smiling. Honestly though, it was rather cute.

"Whatcha need Fear?"

I hesitated for a second,

"Do.... I-I wanna repay you for helping me the other day, but I dont know how... so I was wondering.... is there anything you want? Anything at all?"

He thought about it for a moment and said, "Well, there is one thing I want, but I dont know if you'll give it to me, but a simple thank you is enough."

"No it's not, Liu. I would be dead if it wasnt for you. There's gotta be something you want, right? The password to my phone, all my money, my desserts I get after dinner for a while year, anything."

He thought about what I said, which I might regret giving him suggestions, but I dont care. And I swear, you could see the equations above his head.

"The password to your phone does sound nice,"

I pulled out my phone, regretting everything I had just said.

"But theres something else I want... you said anything, right?"

Oh fuck, where is this going?!


He leaned down a little to reach my height, and connected our lips. I was pretty shocked to see him do this, cause he never really seemed like the type to do something like this. He came off as cold and a bit of an ass, which he was, but not like Jeff.

I kissed back, cause I'm the one that said I would give him whatever he wanted.

You dumbass.

When we parted, he looked at me and smiled like nothing had happened, and I felt heat start to rise up my face.
He pulled something out of his pocket and put it in my hands.

It was my pocket knife.

"I went back to get it, I even cleaned all the blood off of it for you. I saw it when I was walking back from a mission, and I started looking for you... I was really worried. I thought you were gonna be dead by the time I found you-"

I cut off his rambling by hugging him tightly. He jumped a bit out of shock, and it took him a second to hug back.

"Thank you... for everything."

"Why do you keep thanking me?"

"Cause I fucking wanna... now shut up."

"God, I see why Puppeteer calls you Kitty cat."

I punched him lightly, and he only laughed as I walked off. I sat down on the couch and everyone looked over at me.

"What the hell are you all looking at?!"

"You dipshit-"

I cut off BEN by punching his head and he started whining like a kid.

"Hey, dont hurt him you ass!"
Jeff yelled while hugging BEN, comforting him.

"Are you two gay for each other?"

His pail white face went a bright red, and he only rolled his eyes.

"I'm bisexual, dumbass... get it right." Jeff mumbled.

I giggled. They do look like they'd be a good couple. Not that I'm saying that they should date, but...

I think they should...




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